Simple Fruit Salad
Sharon is a human resources professional who enjoys sharing simple recipes that make mealtime deliciously easy!
A fresh fruit salad bursting with a medley of healthy berries is the perfect dish to bring to your next potluck. If you are not a lover of cooking or preparing complicated dishes, it can be intimidating when you must bring food to a social event. A dish that often appears complex but is ever so simple to prepare is the fruit salad.
How to Make a Simple Fruit Salad
Fruit salad is a super healthy vegetarian treat that is just as beautiful to look at as it is to eat. The best time of year for fresh fruit is the summer but we have our choice of fruit all year round in North America.
My favorite version of fruit salad is a little different since there is no liquid added and it contains mostly berries. When you bring a brightly colored fruit salad to a gathering other guests seem to think you spent a lot of time on it. It looks complex but is super simple.
Let's get started with the quick and easy steps below.
Preparation Time
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time:
Serves: 4 - 6
- 8 large strawberries, halved or quartered
- 6 oz blueberries
- 3 or 4 kiwi fruits
- Handful green grapes
- Prepare all fruit first by washing and rinsing with water thoroughly, pat dry with a paper towel.
- In a large salad bowl add the fruit. I like to use a glass salad bowl to highlight the colors of the fruit.
- Slice the strawberries into halves (if they are very large slice into quarters).
- Peel the kiwifruit and slice into thin rounds about 1/8 inch thick.
- Add the blueberries.
- Add green grapes to taste.
- Stir gently to mix the fruit.
- Voila! A gorgeous fruit salad.
- If you wish to add some greens to your salad to kick it up a notch be sure to bring them separately and add them to the salad just before serving. This prevents wilting!
How to Choose a Ripe Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi fruit has a tough outer brown skin that hides the beautiful green, sweet fruit within. You must be careful choosing Kiwi because if you get one that is overripe you will be stuck with green mush that is not very appetizing and cannot be added to a fruit salad. Overripe kiwi tend to lose their sweetness too.
When choosing your kiwi look for these characteristics:
- A smooth outer skin that is not wrinkled.
- Skin that is evenly colored with no discoloration.
- Squeeze a kiwi fruit to test its softness it should give a little but not be too hard or too soft.
When you follow these three tips you should get a nice, sweet and enjoyable kiwi. When kiwi is added to a fruit salad they provide not only their unique sweetness but an appealing green dash of color. Remember we first eat with our eyes!
How to Eat a Kiwi
Include Blueberries in the Fruit Salad
Super Food!
Blueberries have become a staple food in my house. They are a great addition to not only fruit salads but cereals, oatmeal, yogurts, and granola.
These little berries are a nutritional powerhouse. The health benefits of blueberries are numerous and listed below are just a few of their healthy attributes.
- Antioxidant that protects cells from damage
- Increases fat burning in the body
- Reduces and maintains blood pressure
- Supports a good memory
- May help protect against colon cancer
It is wise to always toss blueberries into your fresh fruit salad. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
How to Have a Fresh Fruit Salad Anytime
If you buy lots of fruit and store it in the fridge in those fruit and vegetable drawers they are often forgotten and start to rot. I have had this happen on numerous occasions. If the fruit is out of sight it's out of mind. Keeping it out of the fridge in a fruit bowl is one idea but to keep it cold and fresh just prepare it ahead of time as a fruit salad.
This is an excellent way to ensure all the nutritious fruit you purchased doesn't go to waste. This recipe is particularly good for this because it contains no apples that brown or bananas that become gooey.
I find it gets eaten quickly and it is such a nutritious after school or any time snack.
Storing it in a container makes it easy to scoop out a quick serving. I find this tupperware container, that was originally created as a lettuce keeper, to be perfect for fruit salad.

Fresh fruit salad to go! I love this container its great for keeping in the fridge or travel.
Tupperware Super Crisp Saver
Green and Purple Grapes: What Is the Difference?
I personally prefer green grapes and always have since I was a child but I am not sure why. It may be the slight difference in taste or perhaps because I only remember my mother buying the green grapes; so it became a preference.
So what is the difference between the two? They are simply different species. Nutritionally, the purple grape wins out, but that doesn't mean green grapes are not good for you. They are both healthy and beneficial but the purple grape has the edge as it is richer in antioxidants and lower in calories. Basically, the darker the fruit or vegetable the more nutritional punch.
Purple or green whichever you prefer, are both an excellent addition to your fruit salad. Just toss them in!
The Strawberry: A Sweet Addition to Your Salad
The strawberry plant is very hardy and can be grown anywhere in the world. It sends out shoots and reproduces itself with ease. The strawberry is the ultimate survivor; this makes them easy plants to grow.
Nutritionally, strawberries are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium - always good! They are an excellent source of folate, potassium and Vitamin C. Humans, unlike some animals, cannot manufacture or store Vitamin C so it is important for us to consume it in our food. Oranges aren't the only fruit high in this vitamin.
Did you know that strawberries fight wrinkles? Vitamin C is known to keep the collagen in our skin elastic but strawberries also contain ellagic acid which has been shown in studies to enhance collagen repair and prevent inflammation. The strawberry does double duty in wrinkle prevention!
The strawberry is the color star of the fruit salad it creates a vibrant visual impact. Attractive and nutritious the strawberry is a great addition to any fruit salad. Yum!
Tropical Fruit Salad Demo
© 2012 Sharon Bellissimo
Do You Have a Favourite Fruit Salad Recipe?
Pat Goltz on July 12, 2013:
I take the goulash approach. You know, it's for whatever you have on hand. I just toss 'em all in. Whatever I have.
Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on July 11, 2013:
I love fruit salads especially during the summer months when you can easily buy fresh fruit. Now I'm craving one :) I like to make mine with strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, bananas, and kiwi's.
Faye Rutledge from Concord VA on July 11, 2013:
This is my kind of salad! Thanks for info about choosing a kiwi, I never can tell about those. And, of course, a Tupperware bowl is the best! I love my Tupperware. :)
tomoxby on February 24, 2013:
I don't have a favorite recipe, but you are right the one on this page is easy with only 4 ingredients. I will have to give it a try, looks delicious.
theinformationguy on February 23, 2013:
I pretty much like them all , hard to pick just one favorite !
Lenskeeper on August 16, 2012:
No. I just sometimes mix different fruits together randomly. Thanks for the lens. I was wondering what to eat for lunch :)
GeekGirl1 on July 30, 2012:
The picture here looks delicious, fruits looks fresh too.
Onemargaret LM on July 23, 2012:
I love fruit salad. I find myself eating more of them lately. Such much healthier! Nice lens!
ForestBear LM on June 25, 2012:
yummy, I love fruit salads. Thank you for sharing
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on June 06, 2012:
@anonymous: Thank you!
anonymous on June 06, 2012:
I have always adored fruit. Currently eating frozen raspberries as I write! Brilliant lens!
anonymous on June 06, 2012:
I have always adored fruit. Currently eating frozen raspberries as I write! Brilliant lens!
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on June 06, 2012:
@four synergy: That sounds awesome, thanks for the ideas! :) Sometimes you need to change it up, we can't bring the same fruit salad every time right?
four synergy on June 06, 2012:
We have Like minds! I hate Potlucks and have discovered the beauty of Fruit salds as well! People are REALLY impressed when you toss in Pineapple to it and for Flair and it with the top of Pineapple as centerpiece within the fruit sale display.
Aboutlowercholesterol on June 04, 2012:
Nice ideas thanx. I love all kinds of fruit and so a nice fresh fruit salad on a hot summers day is a real delight and treat. Thanx for the lens
KandH on June 04, 2012:
Yummy - no better way to enjoy a healthy snack than a fresh fruit salad!
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on June 04, 2012:
@MartieG: Thank you!
MartieG aka 'survivoryea' from Jersey Shore on June 04, 2012:
Makes me want to run out and buy some fresh fruit! Choose this lens for my Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month Quest - very nice!
natashaely on June 01, 2012:
I have always made it the way my Mom has and I am sure that is the same for most people. I put all the fruit in a bowl and add orange juice or the natural juice from the fruits, it's that simple! Great page, madfe one tonight :)
Itaya Lightbourne from Topeka, KS on May 25, 2012:
I like the one mom used to make with powdered sugar and sour cream in it. Sounds gross but it was awesome. :)
Anthony Godinho from Ontario, Canada on May 22, 2012:
I love fruit salads...yeah, they're especially great during the summer, but I do like them all year round. I love watermelon in my fruit salad as well.
SoniaCarew on May 22, 2012:
Love fruit salad! I like berries,... and pineapple. Delish!
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on May 22, 2012:
@SheilaMilne: Sounds delicious!
SheilaMilne from Kent, UK on May 21, 2012:
I'm very fond of mango and pineapple as a salad, especially after a spicy meal. The juices from both can be added to make a syrup.
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on May 21, 2012:
@gatornic15: Yes, they certainly can be slimy if they are too ripe. But they are very tasty and sweet, try it you'll like it! :)
gatornic15 on May 21, 2012:
Your fruit salad looks delicious! I have never actually tried kiwi. It always seemed a little slimy so I was scared to try it.
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on May 21, 2012:
@SusanDeppner: I think I will try that, thanks!
Susan Deppner from Arkansas USA on May 21, 2012:
P.S. Thanks for the info about how to choose kiwi fruit. I've never been really sure.
Susan Deppner from Arkansas USA on May 21, 2012:
I love summer fruit salads and your combination of fruits sounds perfect! A friend also fixes that same combination but then stirs in a can of peach pie filling. You won't believe how good it is until you try it. Yum!
Marilyn Thompson from Washington State on May 21, 2012:
Looks like a tasty and refreshing salad, yum!
BookNympho LM on May 21, 2012:
I love making tropical fruit salads, but some of the fruits can be hard to find. A simple fruit salad recipe like this is so easy to make though!
Beverly Rodriguez from Albany New York on May 21, 2012:
I love fruit salad. It's refreshing on a hot day and it's nice to eat light.
Sharon Bellissimo (author) from Toronto, Canada on May 21, 2012:
@Elsie Hagley: Thank you! A tutorial from my teenaged daughter helped a lot - its also her camera. :)
teristazko on May 21, 2012:
Looks very refreshing. I love fruit salad. Thanks for sharing your delicious blend of fruits!
Elsie Hagley from New Zealand on May 21, 2012:
Nice lens. Thanks for sharing. Great photos, glad you found it was easier that you thought.