Pumpkin Spice Muffins: A Whole Food Treat (No Sugar or Butter)
Sylvia Leong is a former healthcare professional who uses her education and experience as a nutritionist and therapeutic personal trainer.
Lower-Calorie Muffins
I love muffins, but I don’t love the calories.
One summer, while visiting relatives in Calgary, my cousin-in-law, Samantha, made us muffins for breakfast. They were moist, filling and tasted amazing!
My husband went on to tell me that if we had muffins like this at home, he’d consider eating in the morning. Because my husband’s eating habits and food choices are a constant thorn in my side, I paid attention.
But what really made me stand up was when Samantha told me that her recipe excluded both sugar and butter!
The unfortunate truth is that most muffins usually contain between 400 and 600 calories. However, switching to a recipe with all whole food ingredients not only packs in the nutrition, but you get away with between 250 and 300 calories per muffin!
Using Samantha’s wonderful recipe as a base, I set out to create several different, delicious and nutritious muffin choices.
A big thank you to Samantha!
Cook Time
Prep time | Cook time | Ready in | Yields |
30 min | 30 min | 1 hour | 15 medium muffins |
Dry Ingredients:
- 1 1/2 cups whole grain flour (whole wheat, spelt, or other ancient grains flour)
- 1/3 cup quinoa
- 1/3 cup chia seeds
- 1/3 cup steel-cut oats
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon allspice
- 1 teaspoon cloves
- 2 teaspoons nutmeg
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
Liquid Ingredients:
- 2 extra-large eggs
- 1 large banana, over-ripened
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 1 cup milk
- 1/8 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 15 walnuts
- 15 hazelnuts
- Using a fork, combine the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Set aside.
- Mix the liquid ingredients in a large bowl.
- Pour the dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients and mix together into a muffin dough. Set aside.
- Place 15 silicone baking cups across a baking sheet.
- Set a half walnut into the bottom of each silicone baking cup.
- Spoon the muffin dough into each silicone baking cup.
- Set a hazelnut on top of each muffin.
- Bake at 380ºF (or 355ºF in a convection oven).
Organic Is Healthier
With all the ingredients in the recipe—and really all your food—choose organic whenever possible.
Not only is this healthier for your body, it's healthier for the Earth as a whole.
Whenever you purchase organic, you're supporting those farmers who go through that extra effort making of sure their crops aren't ridden with insecticides and pesticides.
Vote with your dollar.
Please note: These muffins are made from real food, so they need to be kept refrigerated.

You can't go wrong having extra bananas on hand. Store them in the freezer until you need bananas for a recipe. Sometimes you can even by a bunch of bruised bananas at a discount.
Substitute for Pumpkin Puree
In October, I roast several pumpkins, scoop out the pumpkin puree and freeze it in one cup containers.
Unfortunately, my supply usually runs out by summertime.
If this happens to you, just substitute with one more large banana or two more medium bananas. Not quite as tasty, but you’ll still have delicious muffins.
Cinnamon Can Mitigate Blood Sugar Spikes
Frightened of carbohydrates? Add cinnamon! It slows the rate at which the carbohydrate is digested. This prevents that nasty blood-sugar spike that inevitably stimulates your body to convert all the sugar in your blood to fat and store it in your fat cells.
Most folks rely on quantities of fat and sugar to add flavour to their meals. A healthier way is to rely on spices!
These muffins are great for breakfast, a snack, or a little sweetness after your savoury supper.

Everyone craves a little sweetness. These muffins are perfect! Just a little sweetness and lots of nutrition. But most importantly, they stop the craving monster in its tracks! And they are oh-so-good with some coffee.
© 2021 Sylvia Leong