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How You Eat Corn on the Cob Reveals a Lot About You

Margaret Minnicks is a health-conscious person who researches the health benefits of foods and drinks.

How do you eat corn on the cob?

How do you eat corn on the cob?

How to Eat Corn on the Cob: The Great Debate

The right way to eat corn on the cob is one of those classic debates—like the one about the correct way to put in a new roll of toilet paper. Some people insist that the new roll should be inserted so that the sheets come under the roll; whereas others argue that the roll must be installed so that the sheets come over the roll. Then of course there are those who say it really doesn't matter one way or the other.

With corn on the cob we have a similar situation. Some people believe the correct way is to eat it from end to end, going from left to the right, while others say the right way is to eat it by twisting the cob round and round.

And just like the toilet paper debate, some people say it doesn't matter—as long as you get it in your mouth while it is piping hot and soaked in butter!

I believe there's no right or wrong way to eat corn on the cob.

I believe there's no right or wrong way to eat corn on the cob.

Is There a Right or Wrong Way?

In my family there have been many debates at the dining room table about who is eating corn on the cob right and who is eating it wrong.

In actuality, however, there is no right or wrong way to eat corn on the cob. It is simply a matter of personal preference.

Even so, how you eat your corn may say a great deal about your personality. The next time the great corn debate comes up at your dinner table, spark a new twist to the conversation by sharing these personality connections.

3 Ways to Eat Corn on the Cob

Before we dive into the personality analysis, we should talk about how exactly people eat corn. There are really three main ways that people eat this vegetable.

  1. In straight rows from left to right.
  2. In circles by rolling the corn around and around.
  3. Avoiding the tricky cob issue altogether by slicing off the kernels with a knife.
Some people prefer to use specialized cob holders to eat corn.

Some people prefer to use specialized cob holders to eat corn.

1. The Typewriter: From Left to Right

People who eat their corn this way do it like an old-fashioned typewriter: they start on the left side of the page (cob) and type (eat) in a straight line. Then they hit return (turn the ear slightly) and do the same thing with the next row.

Personality Traits

People who eat their corn from left to right are analytical and rational. They are the type of folks who like to finish one project before starting another.

2. The Rolling Pin: Twisting It in Circles

Some people eat their corn in a circle by rolling the cob around in a circular motion. After each complete rotation of the cob, the eater moves on to the next "column" of kernels.

Personality Traits

People who eat their corn this way are spontaneous, creative, and multitaskers. They enjoy new adventures.

When you visit their houses or offices, you will see that they have many different projects going on at the same time. However, at the end of the day, all of them are finished.

3. The Shaver: Slicing the Kernels Off the Cob

Some people circumvent the challenge of the cob entirely by slicing the kernels off the ear.

Personality Traits

People who slice the kernels off the cob are very concerned about neatness and tidiness. They don't like to get their hands dirty, literally or figuratively, and they may also be conflict avoidant.

Grilled corn on the cob is delicious!

Grilled corn on the cob is delicious!

How to Cook Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob is eaten a lot in the summertime at picnics and cookouts, but it can also be eaten any time of the year no matter what the occasion is. Corn prepared on the grill is so delicious, but there are many other ways to cook it, as well. I've linked to a few great recipes at the end of this article.

  • Boiled: In a pot of boiling water on the stove. Some people boil their corn in milk.
  • Microwaved: Yes, corn can be cooked in the microwave!
  • Baked/roasted: In the oven.
  • Steamed: In a steamer basket on the stovetop.
  • Grilled: On the barbecue. It will look like it's partly burned, but it's delicious that way.
  • Raw: It can even be eaten raw!
Boiling is one of the easiest methods to cook corn

Boiling is one of the easiest methods to cook corn

Hungry for Corn?

The Food/Personality Connection


Margaret Minnicks (author) from Richmond, VA on January 01, 2019:

Zia, I love corn on the cob and I eat it often especially in the summer. I eat it from left to right. Based on the article, I am analytical and rational.

Zia Uddin from UK on January 01, 2019:

I would eat it in a circle by rolling it around. Its been a while since i last had a corn cob, not a huge fan of it. So I guess im creative and adventurous according to your research. Nice read.

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