How to Make Australian Toaster Biscuits
Linda explores food facts, folklore, and fabulous recipes, one ingredient at a time.
Do You Remember the 1990s?
Years ago, when my daughters were still in the single digits (under 10 years of age) life was so sweet. Gas was just $1.00 per gallon, the minimum wage was a whopping $4.25, slap bracelets were "in," every child dreamed of finding a Nintendo Game Boy under the Christmas tree . . . and we had Orowheat Australian Toaster Biscuits.
And Then Our Hearts Were Broken
In a moment of corporate insanity, the powers-that-be at Orowheat did the unimaginable—they discontinued Australian toaster biscuits. Why, oh why?
Some copycats have suggested that ATB's are akin to English crumpets. No, they are not. Crumpets are rather flat and stodgy, whereas the ATB's of my memory (and my memory is well intact, thank you very much), are light and fluffy, tall and rife with nooks and crannies just begging to be christened with jam and melting butter.
My dear friends, where Orowheat has failed we can succeed. Together, we can make Australian toaster biscuits. Here's how.

- Large mixing bowl or stand mixer
- Large spoon for stirring
- Food-safe plastic wrap
- Non-stick cooking spray
- 3-inch ring molds
- Griddle or large saute pan
- Spatula
- Rimmed baking sheet
- Parchment paper
- 3 cups plus 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 3/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
- 2 1/4 cups warm water
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 cup milk
- Combine the first 5 ingredients (flour through yeast) in a large mixing bowl. Slowly pour in warm water and stir to combine. I used my stand mixer and meat at low-medium speed for 8 minutes. If you do not have a mixer you can stir by hand. (You might want to enlist the aid of a helper.)
- Scrape batter (yes it will be a batter, not your typical bread dough) into a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap and set in a warm place to proof (rise) for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
- Combine baking soda and milk. Gently stir down batter; stir in the soda/milk mixture until well mixed.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Heat griddle to medium heat. Spray griddle surface and rings with non-stick cooking spray. Place rings on the griddle, spaced several inches apart to allow room for flipping/turning.
- Fill rings half-full with batter. The amount will seem skimpy, but trust me, the batter will rise to the top of the ring. Allow to "bake" undisturbed for 8 minutes, then flip over to "bake" the other side. This will take just 3 minutes. (I had only two rings, so had to do this 6 times.) Place toaster biscuits on the rimmed baking sheet, remove rings.
- When all biscuits are griddled, bake in preheated oven 5 minutes. Cool completely before slicing in half horizontally.
- To serve, toast biscuits and serve with butter or jam (or both).
Yield: Makes 12 toaster biscuits
© 2020 Linda Lum
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 29, 2020:
I'm going to answer your question Manatita, but you probably not see this because it was just moved to the niche site Delishably. Washington State is in the northwest corner of the USA. Oregon is to the south, British Columbia to the north, and we're on the Pacific Ocean.
manatita44 from london on October 29, 2020:
Haha. I'm like that too. Sharing a little, I use thicks at my 68 yrs of age. I have a recycle bin which is emptied once every two weeks. Once I collect the empty one, I put the garbage one first, or I'm sure to forget which was which the following week. Lol. They are better of taking both, but they usually take one each alternate week plus the food trash.
Washington State, where is that next too? You seem to live a glamourous and fabulous life!! I like your style too. There's a lot of thought and Love on that table.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 29, 2020:
Manatita, the china, silver, teapot, and doily in the photo are on my table. Please feel free to join me. How delightful that would be. Brain fog? Yes, I agree with you there. I must write down everything, and then I forget the list.
manatita44 from london on October 29, 2020:
I fell in love with that tea table straight away. So much power and command! is that the jam on the fork? Awesome!
Too young to remember the nineties. Just gone 17, or is it seven? I have the 'brain fog' that Pamela speaks about. How I would love someone to treat me to scones and coffee, in a decent country side tea-shop. I guess it would be on my wish list in heaven.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 28, 2020:
John, while you were posting your comment, I was in the midst of writing a reply to Flourish's question. You're right, those crumpets are springy. Give these a try--you might be pleasantly surprised. And, anything that involves melty butter can't be a bad thing.
John Hansen from Queensland Australia on October 28, 2020:
Thanks for this recipe, Linda. Unfortunately, I am going to be one who says these look like English crumpets, and I have never heard of Australian toaster biscuits. I love English crumpets by the way.
For Flourish, English muffins are different they don’t have the springy texture and don’t have the air holes all through them.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 28, 2020:
Angel, you would not be disappointed. There's really nothing quite like fresh, homemade bread.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 28, 2020:
Thank you Lakshmi. I have looked at your recipes and they sound amazingly good. I will be trying some of these soon.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 28, 2020:
Hi Flourish, first thank you for your kind words. To summarize the difference between the two--a crumpet comes from a loose batter, made with milk and leavened with baking soda. Crumpets are cooked on just one side and are spongy in texture.
English muffins are actually an American invention. They are firmer (more bread-like) and risen with yeast.
Angel Guzman from Joliet, Illinois on October 28, 2020:
I've never ate this but would love to try :)
Lakshmi from Chennai on October 27, 2020:
Hi Linda Lum, your recipe looks scrumptious, and when we are trying recipes like this it will give us some unforgettable nostalgia.
FlourishAnyway from USA on October 27, 2020:
I’ve never heard of these. Are English crumpets the same as English muffins? I love those. Trying to figure the texture out or how they are different exactly.Your writing was simply splendid here, with a strong dose of nostalgia and a pinch of humor.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Kalpana, thank you.
Kalpana Iyer from India on October 27, 2020:
Looks yum! Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on October 27, 2020:
Thanks -- that will do nicely.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Shauna, goodness gracious that sounds yummy! Absolutely, go for it. Heck if I added rosemary I'd probably add some garlic powder and grated Parmesan while I'm at it (yes, I'm an over-achiever, I know).
Shauna L Bowling from Central Florida on October 27, 2020:
Linda, I've never had nor heard of Australian Toaster Biscuits. However, they look yummy. I just might have to invest in some ring molds and give this recipe a try.
Can you also add herbs and/or spices to the dough? I'm thinking rosemary or dill for a savory twist and cinnamon for a sweet slant.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Tuna fish cans with the top and bottom cut out?
Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on October 27, 2020:
Looks very doable. Can I use something besides 3 inch molds -- I am fresh out ;-)
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Pamela they really are very good; I hope you'll try them.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Ms. Dora, my daughter and I baked these months ago. I think it's time to make another batch. They are certainly worth the time.
Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on October 27, 2020:
Interesting! They looked so tempting on the plate!
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Peggy, you've got the steps correct. No, I checked mine carefully and after 8 minutes they were brown but not burned. If, before 8 minutes yours seem to be getting too dark, turn down the heat. The 2nd side (the one that gets only 3 minutes) will be the side that is on the baking sheet when they go in the oven so it will finish browning there.
Yes, they do look like English muffins but the taste and texture is a little different.
Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on October 27, 2020:
These biscuits are new to me and they sound delicious. If you have several rings it would go pretty fast. I do have a good mixer. I hope to try these, so thanks, Linda.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Thank you Ivana. I hope you like them.
Linda Lum (author) from Washington State, USA on October 27, 2020:
Bill, it was amazingly easy. I think you'd have a good time. Hey, it's only bread. What could go wrong?
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on October 27, 2020:
The photos make it look like English Muffins that we can still purchase in our grocery stores. If I am reading this correctly, after making the batter, you start it off by cooking the batter on the stovetop on medium heat for 8 minutes, then 3 minutes on the other side, and finally, bake it for 5 minutes in the oven. That first 8 minutes of cooking doesn't cause the one side to get too dark or burned?
Ivana Divac from Serbia on October 27, 2020:
Great recipe. I definitely have to try this out.
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on October 27, 2020:
Well, I do love toaster biscuits. I don't have much faith in me doing this properly, but Dad didn't raise a coward. I'll hold onto this and give it a try on a rainy afternoon.
Thanks my friend! Enjoy the sunshine!