When to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Penelope lived in Tuscany among the olive groves and farms for years, learning from local people about their culture, land, and food.
What Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
We use extra virgin olive oil today in much the same way ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean used it thousands of years ago. We eat it raw, we cook with it, we heal with it, we anoint with it and we cream ourselves with it. The process of extracting it is the same (just modernized); the extra virgin olive oil is exactly the same.
This article defines extra virgin olive oil and describes how to use it to benefit from its tasty and health-giving properties:
- to make food that is fresh and delicious
- food that is very good for you—with simple recipes
- for conserving food 'sotto olio' (under oil)
- as food to help with nutrition during chemotherapy
- for babies and growing children, as well as for upset tummies
- to help your pets heal a small skin wound
Olive Oil Is Classified by How It Is Produced and by Its Chemistry
The International Olive Council's description of extra virgin olive oil (Olea europaea L.) is: 'A virgin olive oil which has a free acidity of not more than 0.8 grams per 100 grams'.
Virgin olive oil, on the other hand, has: 'A free acidity of not more than 2.0 per 100 grams'. There is a fundamental difference that the International Olive Council (IOCC) are still working to define commercially, as they review quality standards and authenticity.
Olive Oil vs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
There is a fundamental difference between 'extra virgin olive oil' and what the other 'olive oils' are, aside from the taste (and labels)! Because of the 'cold' process (under 27°C, 80°F) by which the oil is extracted from the olives, 'extra virgin olive oil' retains very high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants that make for good health. The word 'virgin' means that the oil is unrefined and pure because no chemicals or heat are used during its extraction. New hygienic macerating processes 'lower the acidity and produces a fresher oil that tastes better and lasts longer', says my neighbor, the author of Cucina Povera - Tuscan Peasant Cooking.
'Pure olive' oil is the commercial label given to both 'pure olive oil' and 'olive oil' and is usually a blend of 'virgin oils' and 'refined oils', which contradictorily, have less nutritional value, containing fewer polyphenols and antioxidants. Extra virgin olive oil is exceptionally good for us humans and animals. Its dense olive tree flavor was locked in during its separation process - during milling. There was no oxidation.
Chemical Structure of Olive Oil

Cooking With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The bottom line is that it is very, very good for you. Says Nutritionist Dr. Francesco Steiner in Rome,
'If you eat extra virgin olive oil 'raw' it maintains all its health properties. If you cook with it, it stimulates the digestive apparatus, especially helping the liver to work better - as a defense system'.
In this article, I'm showing many of the ways we use it in our foods (apart from on pasta!):
- raw,
- cooked,
- fried,
- in baking,
- on pizzas
In Italy, in our house and everyone else's home, we use extra virgin olive oil liberally every time we eat
- because Italy has a 'food' culture which is oiled with olive oil!
- because we love it,
- it's where olives come from and
- where the traditions have been passed down for centuries.
Buon appetito!
Crudo (Raw) Over Boiled or Steamed Vegetables
An every-day way to eat it is drizzled 'raw' over cooked vegetables as a side dish. (Just quickly boil or steam any fresh vegetable—from chard, to chicory, to green beans, artichokes and even carrots—and pour over the extra virgin olive oil with some lemon.)
Carrots With EVOO and Garlic Recipe
The following recipe serves four people:
- Boil about 1lb peeled carrots in
- 1/2 pint white wine vinegar and 1/2 pint water and salt to taste.
- Drain, slice, dress with extra virgin olive oil, finely shopped parsley and garlic.
- Serve hot or cold!
Slices of 'pizza' that you buy in bakery shops in Italy are made freshly every day; extra virgin olive oil is one of the essential ingredients that goes into or over the toppings. Even if there is no tomato or mozzarella garnish, there is always extra virgin olive oil! Pizzas straight out of the oven are spread with a delicious topping and then, just before being served, extra virgin olive oil is drizzled over them.
You can do the same at home. Even if you don't want to put any elaborate topping on your pizza, you can strew some fresh rosemary, salt and extra virgin olive oil over it (straight out of the oven). It's great with roast meats. It's also a smart-looking party 'nibble' food when cut into small slices and may help cut the effects of alcohol if people are enjoying a glass of wine or two. And, it is easy and clean to serve!
Frying With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
'It is better to fry with extra virgin olive oil than it is with other oils because the temperature point at which it alters is higher compared to other oils"', confirms Richard Steiner, whose science is 'nutrition' and whose task is to get people well from illness or weight problems.
Classically in Italy, we make a simple tomato sauce for our pasta most days of the week! And we start it all by frying the onion or the garlic. All our meat dishes begin with a 'soffritto' too—(finely chopped onions or garlic fried in extra virgin olive oil)
- meat sauces for pasta,
- stews, or
- cacciatore dishes.
We are not sparing with our extra virgin olive oil either. A Roman friend once burped after a minestrone at our home and un-apologetically said 'That was wonderful olive oil. Mmmmm I can still taste it'. We took it as a compliment!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a Condiment
The bitter-nutty-woody flavor of pure extra virgin olive oil tastes great on fresh seasonal raw vegetables. Poured over a bowl of raw sliced vegetables in Tuscany it is an appetizer or summer snack called pinzimonio.
Recipe for Pinzimonio
- 1 cup+ of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon fine sea salt
- Mixed vegetables from the following list, as many or as few as you have:
- Peppers, cauliflowers, cucumbers, artichoke, carrots, celery, courgettes, white parsnip, radishes, fennel, chicory, (any vegetable that you can cut into nice pieces!).
- 1 serving platter
- 4 to 6 little bowls for the olive oil and lemon
How to Prepare:
- Wash and dry the vegetables
- Cut them all into slices (or florets) about 2".
- Arrange them on a platter.
- In the small bowls, pour 1/2 to 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, squeezed lemon, salt to taste, mix.
- Dip your raw vegetables in the small bowls and enjoy.
Conserving Sotto Olio
We conserve produce 'sotto olio' (under extra virgin olive oil), because the taste of the produce is always enhanced by the taste of the best olive oil. There are many recipes and 'how my mom did it' recipes around for almost anything you can think of to go 'sotto olio'
I often make anchovies this way. It's a treat and very tasty to pull out for a lunch party or when friends come round for a glass of wine.
Acciughe Sotto Olio
- Buy good anchovies,
- Wash them in a bowl with white wine vinegar and water so that the salt comes off and the bones come out.
- Pat dry
- Chop fresh parsley and
- a very little garlic and chili pepper.
In a small container, put in a few tablespoons of extra olive oil to cover the bottom.
Place a layer of anchovies on this and then sprinkle with parsley garlic and chili.
Pour over the extra virgin olive oil to cover.
Repeat again with the anchovies and so on till the container is full.
Cover with extra virgin olive oil and try not to eat for a few days!
Chemotherapy and Bruschetta
As a chemotherapy patient, my Nutritionist Dr Steiner advised me to eat several slices of bruschetta a day, even between meals, to help my organisms to rebuild, whilst they were being attacked.
He explained that a chemo patient that eats bruschetta is building a nutritional defense which the chemo compromises. The carbohydrates from the bread and the tomato help their liver to build body energy. Olive oil assists re-building the mucous of the stomach lining, protecting its coat. The salt betters the digestion. Together, the ingredients of this simple snack help an organism in difficulty without putting it in crisis.
I recovered well from the effects of chemotherapy and would recommend others to take the advice of their doctors and to seek the advice of a nutritionist throughout their bombastic cures.
Recipe for Bruschetta
- Toast or grill slices of thick bread.
- Quickly rub fresh garlic over the toast and sprinkle with salt.
- Adding finely shopped tomato and ruccola make is 'more' of a snack.
- Serve hot.
Nutritional Information (USDA)
1 tbsp olive oil (13.5g) contains the following nutritional information:
- Calories: 119
- Fat: 13.50
- Carbs: 0
- Fibres: 0
- Protein: 0
Health Benefits
This list is long, but olive oil carries the following benefits:
- Creates a healthy balance between omega-6 fats and omega-3 fats.
- Contains more monounsaturated fatty acids.
- Controls the 'bad' levels of (LDL) cholesterol.
- Raises the 'good' level of (HDL) cholesterol
Monounsaturated fats help clear blood vessels of cholesterol, so now you know you can make cookies using olive oil and say "they're good for me" without batting an eyelid!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Babies and Pets
When babies are able to eat mashed up solids, a drop of extra virgin olive oil in their 'pappa' is very healthy, easy to digest and good for them. Babies learn to love the taste of it in their food straight away!
It's great on simple boiled rice when they have tummy upsets topped with some grated Parmesan (perhaps). You can gently massage a drop or two of it into their scalps if they have dry, flaking skin as infants.
We can't forget them can we? If you see they have an abrasion or dryness, simply drop some oil on it and it should heal just fine.
Olive Oil for Skin
My mother didn't know when to use extra olive oil. She simply used 'olive oil' for everything. She put it on our hair; she shined her AGA cooker with it, the slate in front of the fire. As teenagers, we used it on our skin instead of creams, on our lips to make them shine a minute. We didn't have other products then, so it was treated as a do-all sort of oil.
I doubt it was extra virgin olive oil. But certainly 'olive oil' was something she knew was good for us. Little did we know how good it really was? My mother used to say, "They washed His feet with it, why can't I put it on your cheeks?" We thought she was making things up! She often got things mixed up. (Hadn't a sinful woman washed His (Jesus') feet with her tears? Luke 7:38 not oil) She wasn't mixed up about olive oil, for sure! I still have good skin.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
Questions & Answers
Question: Can you use a tsp of extra virgin oil in a smoothie?
Answer: I think a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil would be healthy in a smoothie certainly, but with more savory smoothies, like spinach or celery based drinks. It would also be great in a healthy breakfast smoothie made with sesame seeds, banana, lemon, and yogurt too.
Question: How do I make extra virgin olive oil?
Answer: The best thing to do would be to type your question into a search engine. There are videos and articles to answer your question.
Question: How can I be sure that a product is genuine extra virgin olive oil?
Answer: You would have to trust your source. It would be described on the label. There are market controls, so it would not be acceptable, or legal to make false claims. If you buy from the farm, you will have that satisfaction of buying genuine extra olive oil and that would feel good.
Question: Can extra virgin olive oil be used as a brain booster?
Answer: Not exclusively, though a balanced diet would help to maintain a healthy brain, as it does all organs of the body.
Question: Is there a different EVOO for baking?
Answer: No. EVOO are the initials for Extra Virgin Olive Oil, so any brand of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is fine for baking.
© 2012 Penelope Hart
Kiss andTales on January 01, 2015:
Wonderful hub ! I appreciate you for sharing it!
Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on January 01, 2015:
Really enjoyed your take on olive oil. Thanks for the tip on bruschetta for chemo patients. I love bruschetta and will have it anytime. I am not on chemo but will share this with family and friends.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on November 16, 2014:
Thanks! So pleased you found out about using it on your skin (and your pet's skin too). Nice of you to comment.
oliversmum from australia on November 14, 2014:
GoodLady Hi. Goodness so much incredible and extremely interesting information on how and where you can use extra virgin olive oil. It is the only oil that I use for cooking and salads,but it never entered my head to use it on my skin until now. Thank you for all this wonderful information and photographs. :) :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on August 29, 2013:
Yes, it is an incredible gift of nature! So many uses. Enjoy your harvesting in November!
Thank you for your comment.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on August 28, 2013:
So interesting that you should write about olive oil and its uses, we have tons of olives annually in November is time for harvesting and it is such a pleasure to have our own virgin olive oil. great hub with lovely photos, enjoyed reading more about a unique oil.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on April 10, 2013:
Thank you, once again. I do love Greek olive oil!
SAM ELDER from Home on April 10, 2013:
My wive's family is producing olive oil for many centuries now on island Crete in Greece , this article is very useful and very detailed. When our olive oil is ready the acidity is around 0.3-0.8. If acidity is higher then the price of olive oil is lower. Usually the reason that acidity goes high is because many use chemicals to maximize the olive oil production :( which is unnecessary because high quality olive, extra virgin (chemical free) is healthier and tastes much better.
GoodLady very nice work.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on April 10, 2013:
I am so sorry but i do not know what pomace oil is. We don't have that in Italy. I do know that what is fresh and local is always best for eating. This is why we eat so much local extra virgin olive oil here and elsewhere in Europe. Perhaps since pomace is local, it is just as good for you. Certainly this is what your taste buds are used to.
Many thanks for you comments. Appreciated.
Indian Chef from New Delhi India on April 10, 2013:
Good lady thanks for clearing a lots of doubts about olive oil as I come from India and olive oil is quite new to us. We get here pomace olive oil here a lot and it is nearly half the rate of extra virgin. We are told to use it to fry things.. so what exactly is pomace?
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on February 21, 2013:
The difference between the two is quite important so I'm pleased the article has been helpful and you will enjoy the immense benefits of EVOO! Many thanks for commenting.
Jane Holmes on February 21, 2013:
A great hub! You've answered a question about Extra-Virgin vs Pure Olive Oil that I've had for a while. You've recommended several ways of use that I shall try! Thanks for sharing.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on February 17, 2013:
Oh I do know what that seasoned bread tastes like! Delicious!
Many angels up for you too...appreciate yours thank you so much.
Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on February 17, 2013:
Thanks for the lesson. I love olive oil for so many reasons. I have not used it in some of the ways that you have suggested here so am bookmarking this to add to my recipe files.
There is an authentic Italaian restaurant not far from where I live. They serve us this divine bread and seasoned olive oil before our meal..I could just have that and be happy!!
Again thanks for sharing this voted up++++
Sending many Angels this morning :) ps
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on January 13, 2013:
I had a look at my wonderful fan mail from you! You're very generous and I'm so pleased we have found each other. I heard from Amy on another Hub thank you!
Glad you enjoy my work and presentations! I look forward to enjoying your poetry.
I wish you very well too for 2013 on lake erie canada.
epigramman on January 13, 2013:
Well Penelope I am so glad I found you and please don't forget your fan mail - I also ask my buddy Amy who is a fantastic writer to check out your hubs - yes I use 'olive oil' religiously - lol , myself and I thank you for being the consummate hubber - your presentations are so beautiful to look at - and always very enlightening with facts and informaton too - sending you good wishes for your health, happiness and prosperiy in 2013 from lake erie time ontario canada 2:35pm
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on December 28, 2012:
EsmeSanBona. Italians, indeed most Southern Europeans know that extra virgin olive oil is very very good for us and since we have it in abundance we have abundant uses for it. Your landlady sound really typical! (Completely unmovable in her beliefs in her food - not at all international!).
Many thanks for your comment and sorry it took so long to reply.
vibesite. Yup, cookies made with EVOO can be wonderful! Appreciate your share and your votes. Thank you so much.
vibesites from United States on December 28, 2012:
Interesting article about the amazing extra virgin olive oil and its many health benefits and uses. And I love it at how it's used also for cookies. Voted up and shared. :)
Aisling Ireland from Savannah, Georgia on December 19, 2012:
Ah, I see. Just like the Irish believe a cup of tea fixes everything, Italians seem to find universal remedy in food. I went to France a few years ago and stayed at a hotel owned by a Italian woman. I arrived late due to stressful travel troubles and she apologized that the kitchen was closed, but that she could make me a nice sandwich. I refused, telling her that when stressed I can't eat. She looked at me like I was from Mars and then stammered, "Um, well, we have some nice cakes..." So funny. The next day when I told her the food I ate at her hotel was the best I'd eaten since I'd been in France, she promptly informed me I would be eating what her family ate for the rest of my stay. Awesomeness ensued!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on December 19, 2012:
Thank you so much for your kind remark. Always been involved with food and cooking because my mother was cordon bleu qualified but I learned about traditional Italian food and food preparation and quality seasonal ingredients and simplicity in Italy where I have lived for about 35 years.
Aisling Ireland from Savannah, Georgia on December 19, 2012:
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Did your knowledge of food being before or after moving to Italy?
Micheal from United Kingdom on November 11, 2012:
Hi Penelope.
I find that most things are improved with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. : )
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on November 11, 2012:
Glad you found the Hub and appreciate your comments. EVOO has a sincerely 'good' flavor, agreed. We have just been given a bottle by a neighbor who makes wonderful stuff, so we're splashing it on everything. We had it on red cabbage of all things today and it was still great!
Micheal from United Kingdom on November 11, 2012:
I just love the flavour of EVOO and use it whenever I can.
I know it is extravagant but I just love it.
Very useful hub with great information.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on October 31, 2012:
Appreciated! Pleased you use extra virgin olive oil in abundance - it's very good for us. Thanks for your votes carol7777.
carol stanley from Arizona on October 31, 2012:
I am always happy to find that what I use in abundance is good for health etc. Great hub in touting the virtues of olive oil (extra virgin of course). Thanks for writing this as I am going to bookmark and vote up.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on October 29, 2012:
rajanjolly. So appreciate your votes and such generous comments. Thank you.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on October 29, 2012:
susanm23b Glad we are of the same minds! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the recipes too. Many thanks for your comments.
Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on October 29, 2012:
Fantastic hub and its the most complete hub I've read on all things related to olive oil. It richly deserves the HOTD it got.
Voted up, useful and awesome. Sharing on G+1
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on October 09, 2012:
Good on you Mamma! Glad you liked the recipes too; they're all pretty simple! But they are are all very good for you and extremely flavorful. Thank you for your kind comments.
susanm23b on October 09, 2012:
What a great article! I learned so much from it. Olive oil is the only oil I use for cooking. After reading your article, I'm even more convinced that I'm choosing the best for my family. Very interesting reading--and great recipe suggestions too :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 03, 2012:
Glad you found what you were looking for! It's really really good for you - and for cooking! Appreciate your votes thank you.
Mary Craig from New York on September 03, 2012:
Don't know how I missed this when it was Hub of the Day but do see why it was picked!
I truly appreciate this as my daughter kept telling me to only use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the table, not for cooking...you've certainly cleared that up and I will let her know asap..
Voted up, useful, awesome, and interesting.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on August 26, 2012:
The carrot idea is really delicious. Nice of you to comment, thank you.
MargaritaEden from Oregon on August 26, 2012:
This hub is a artwort! so much information, I love that carrot side idea, so good and so healthy, I will definitely try that.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on July 01, 2012:
mypassion, glad you found out! EVOO is really really good for you. Thanks for reading and commenting.
mypassion on July 01, 2012:
I never knew there is a difference between the two. Thought it is just a brand. Next time I would reach out for the extra virgin olive oil, now that I know the difference.
hhunterr from Highway 24 on June 30, 2012:
Yes, EVOO on the griddle w/ pancakes isn't the best. Believe it or not, a little directly on the pancakes works for me.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 30, 2012:
Hi denisemai. It's weird people don't think you can fry in olive oil - and I think frying has gone out of fashion, though there's nothing wrong with it. It gives our liver a work out (and this is necessary for it). But frying oil isn't so good!
Olive farms are so beautiful aren't they? So happy you thought of me and thank you. I'm thinking of you too. Best wishes.
Denise Mai from Idaho on June 29, 2012:
Lovely hub, GoodLady. I stopped by an olive farm in Northern California and thought of you. The orchard was so beautiful. I didn't realize you can fry in olive oil. That's probably because I rarely fry food. I've always wondered why it's called extra virgin.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Cardisa, you are so right about how clean it tastes and also about how it makes salads taste great. Nothing tastier than evoo on baby salad leaves! Thanks so much for comments. Appreciated.
SkySlave. Honored to have a cook pop in! Thanks.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Pleased you'll be using extra virgin olive oil now. It is so very good and tastes wonderful.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Olive oil tasting must be fun. Flattered and pleased to have you a cook drop in! Thanks.
Skyler DeCristoforo from Olympia, WA on June 29, 2012:
As a cook, olive oil is one of my best friends. Its amazing for you and it has, in my opinion, a better flavor than any other oils. There are so many kinds of olive oil and extra virgin that they actually have social olive oil tastings, similar to wine tastings. Thanks for the good write, voting up
Carolee Samuda from Jamaica on June 29, 2012:
I love extra virgin olive oil because of the clean and wonderful taste it has. You don't need a lot of seasoning when cooking with it and it makes your salad perfect. This is a wonderful hub with amazing informations. Congrats on making hub of the day, well deserved.
Hui (蕙) on June 29, 2012:
This is unique and useful. I'll try it on lips to make them shine. Great hub!
jestone from America! on June 29, 2012:
Lots of great info!
Linda Rogers from Minnesota on June 29, 2012:
Thanks so much for this incredibly informative and interesting hub on Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I am such a fan of olive oil and I didn't know which was the best to use. Thanks from me and my family for this great information.
dreamer18 from San Diego, CA on June 29, 2012:
I will use olive oil more now after reading this hub.
Congratulations on hub of the day!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Thank you.
India Arnold from Northern, California on June 29, 2012:
This is an amazing look at Extra Virgin Olive Oil! I really appreciated the bruschetta tip for chemo patients. What a fantastic bit of information! This hub is a comprehensive look at EVOO in every way. Great Job!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Hope you enjoy making some of those dishes. The carrot one is quite a surprise! Glad you enjoyed the Hub, thanks.
Urmila from Rancho Cucamonga,CA, USA on June 29, 2012:
Wonderful and mouth watering dishes. Colorful pictures. So much to learn about olive oil. Thanks for the hard work. You totally deserved the award. Congratulations on Hub of the day!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
I've never understood why anyone would ever think that EVOO wasn't safe for cooking! It's been round the Mediterranean for thousands of years.
Pancakes sounds nice, though you'd just wipe the griddle a very little with it wouldn't you? Delicious.
Thanks for comments.
hhunterr from Highway 24 on June 29, 2012:
Just Ask Susan was right. Fantastic! Rachel Ray said store-grade EVOO in the U.S. was safe for cooking. So, my favorite use: Pancakes. it cuts down the amount of syrup needed and, in my view, improves the taste. Can't imagine I didn't think of this article. Good job.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
It's best not to use the bottom of the EVOO bottle for sure (for frying!) Appreciate your interesting note, thank you so much.
TMHughes from Asheville, NC on June 29, 2012:
Great hub! I wanted to shed a little light on the smoke point issue....yes EVOO has a higher smoke point and remains stable at higher temperatures than other oils. However, being EVOO means that a lot of other vegetable matter comes through in the process of pressing the oil, this is what gives EVOO its rich color and can cause smoking at lower temperatures....its the vegetable particles burning and not the oil.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
:) :) thank you!
RTalloni on June 29, 2012:
Just stopping back in to say congrats on your Hub of the Day award. :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
pstraubie48 It is simply a basic food and has been for centuries and it tastes so good. Glad you liked what my mum said! Thanks
Kristine Manley. I think I'll put some on my hair tonight actually. With all the heat we are having I'm washing my hair every day. I think it needs a boost, so thanks for reminding me - and for stopping by to comment.
Kristine Manley from Atlanta, GA on June 29, 2012:
Great Hub! I use olive oil in my hair and on my skin.
Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on June 29, 2012:
So maybe olive oil should be called the wonder food. I had no idea it had all of the uses it does besides the obvious. Thank you for all of this information. When I am feeling particularly brave one day, maybe I will try this.
I loved hearing about your Mother slathering it on whatever was in sight. I am so glad you shared this.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
ComfortB. It really is the real thing and better for you all round. Thanks for comments and for your votes which I'm grateful for.
Thelma Alberts. I wouldn't have known about its uses for chemo either if I wasn't fortunate enough to have my nutritionist. Thanks so much for your comments and vote. Truly appreciated.
Robie Benve. :) to you too!! Thanks so much for reading and compliment.
Robie Benve from Ohio on June 29, 2012:
Wonderful article on EVOO, a well deserved hub of the day! Congratulations! :)
mhdp03 on June 29, 2012:
This is a great article. I learned a lot and really appreciate the way it is written: clear, witty and informative.
Thelma Alberts from Germany on June 29, 2012:
Wow! What a great information! I did not know about olive oil helping chemotherapy treatment. That´s great. I love olive oil in my food, in my hair and in my skin specially for my facial massage. Voted up and awesome. Thanks for sharing. BTW, Congrats on the HOTD award.
Comfort Babatola from Bonaire, GA, USA on June 29, 2012:
You know, I started years ago with Ex Virgin Olive Oil, and then I switched to Pure OO because EVOO has a slightly bitter after-taste.
After reading your hub, I'm thinking I should do the switch back to EVOO.
Thanks for sharing this great hub. Very useful and informative.
Voted Up and Useful, definitely!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Janine Huldie. Extra Virgin Olive oil is really ,really good for us and bruschetta with it (when on chemo) helped me so much. If your baby has an upset tummy and you are worried what to give him/her to eat, then simply boiled rice or semolina (depends on age) with a drop of evoo and some parmesan will be a complete meal and will help them.
pagesvoice It's an invaluable oil! Hope you find a good source of it and manage to use it lots!
Thanks for your comments
Dennis L. Page from New York/Pennsylvania border on June 29, 2012:
Voted up, useful, and interesting. After reading this detailed and informative article I have a clear understanding exactly why it was picked as best Hub of the day. I do all of the cooking in my house and I must say, I learned so many new things from your story. My pantry has vegetable oil, canola oil, olive oil and extra virgin olive and now I have to rethink how I will incorporate more extra virgin olive oil into my daily meals. I thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic piece of information.
Janine Huldie from New York, New York on June 29, 2012:
Congrats on HOTD and for some information on Olive Oil that I was not aware of. I did not know about Olive Oil and Bruschetta with chemotherapy. Also, I did not know about it for babies upset tummies. Will definitely refer to this when need be. Thanks voting it up and sharing!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Poppit thank you so so much x
Poppit on June 29, 2012:
Pure art! (your post and the olive oil that is). Very very nice post GoodLady, I fully agree with the HUB OF THE DAY PRIZE.
Love the pictures too.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 29, 2012:
Squeesh. So thrilled, thanks.
snlee. And thank you for reading and commenting. I do appreciate it.
kumara24894 Thanks. It's the first time I made hub of the Day so thanks for your support.
kumar24894 from Fuck of HUBPAGES on June 29, 2012:
AWESOME hub !!
snlee from Asia Pacific Regions on June 29, 2012:
very detailed information......thanks for sharing
Squeesh from United States on June 29, 2012:
This is such an excellent Hub, keep up the great work! Shared!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
suzettenaples Hope you enjoy using it lots and lots - it's SO good for us. Thanks for comments.
Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on June 01, 2012:
Great hub! You have my mouth watering! This is very informative and interesting. I now know a lot more about olive oil and virgin olive oil. Your recipes look so good and all the advice and tips you give for using olive oil are fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
Judi Bee. When we learned how good EVOO was for frying with, we were very surprised too. Now we can't think of frying any other way. I have to have my blood checked every three months and it's in great shape.
AlciaC. Thank you for gracious comments.
Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on June 01, 2012:
This is a wonderful and very useful hub with beautiful photos, GoodLady! I love extra virgin olive oil and appreciate all the hard work that went into the creation of this great hub.
Judi Brown from UK on June 01, 2012:
Thoroughly enjoyed this hub, plus it's going to be useful too. Like several others, I had heard the "don't fry with EVOO", but I shall cast that aside now!
Voted up, of course!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
Express10, now olive oil on pop corn is a great idea! Will borrow the recipe and I'm sure it will be tasty as well as healthy. Thanks so much.
the raggededge I hope you'll come over for a bruschetta one day. Buon appetito sta sera. Thanks for comment.
Bev G from Wales, UK on June 01, 2012:
I could eat some bruschetta right now! Your olive oil hub is just as delightful as your other Italian hubs. We're having pasta tonight with Extra Virgin, of course.
H C Palting from East Coast on June 01, 2012:
Excellent hub. In addition to using extra virgin olive oil for common cooking recipes, I also use it to pop popcorn and sometimes use in on my skin.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
R Talloni. Appreciate your comments and insight into Jesus' feet and yes, I have precious memories about childhood and my mom. Hope you enjoy the recipes. I promise they are all truly good for you.
vespawoolf. I think in Southern Europe people know it's good for us and so we just do it. Yes, the chemo/bruschetta thing was a surprise to me too, but it worked wonders. Many thanks for you votes. Greatly appreciated
Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on June 01, 2012:
This is a fascinating article. There's a lot of controversy on the smoke point of olive oils. I have friends from Spain who also fry with EVOO and they haven't suffered any ill effects, so I'm beginning to rethink my views in that regard. The bit on chemotherapy and bruschetta was especially interesting. Thank you! Voted up and shared.
RTalloni on June 01, 2012:
Thanks for an interesting read! You put a lot of work into this hub and I learned new information about ev olive oil--thanks! These recipes are delightful and the health tips are valuable.
There are two recorded accounts of Jesus' feet being washed. One was Lazarus' sister Mary, members of a wealthy family, and her tears mixed with perfumed oil in the process. The other woman is unnamed, but her devoted service was out of love and appreciation for Jesus' ministry to even "the least" in that society. Bless your mom's heart--that is a precious memory you have!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
Makes great cooking Natashalh! Thanks for reading and hope you got tons out if it. (So good for us, really). Thanks so much for your votes and so on
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on June 01, 2012:
Thanks Just Ask Susan. When you fry with it, just don't let it heat so much the smoke turns blue, but otherwise it is truly very good for you. I used to think the same thing you did about frying with it till I got ill and took myself off to this wonderful nutritionist.
Thanks for sharing!
Your dogs will heal just fine with the extra v o o.
Natasha from Hawaii on June 01, 2012:
Wow. I already loved olive oil, but, man! I had no idea it had so man other uses! And cookies, too? Simply amazing. Bookmarked and voted interesting, useful, and awesome.
Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on June 01, 2012:
Oh my goodness I've learned so much about olive and extra virgin olive oil from your hub. Thank you! I thought I'd read somewhere that your're not supposed to cook (as in fry) with extra virgin olive oil. But I'm going to forget about that and start cooking with it. I use it in all of my salad dressings and now will use it in stir fry and other cooking too. My dogs are always getting cuts on their legs and next time they do I'll be sure to treat the cuts with olive oil.
Fantastic hub! Rating and sharing.