Red Bean Paste Madeleines Recipe
Ryan Thomas is a university student who enjoys cooking recipes from a wide variety of culinary traditions.
Madeleines are probably my favorite cookie, as they are wondrously easy to make. All that's required is to combine some simple ingredients to make a somewhat liquid batter, and then proceed to pour it into madeleine pans. It is incredibly difficult to produce bad madeleines—not impossible, as I have managed to do it in the process of attempting, and failing, to create hibiscus/bissap madeleines, but nevertheless the vast majority of the time, the recipes work out exceedingly well.
One of my favorite flavors is adzuki bean, or red bean paste. This East Asian dessert ingredient might sound like something that more appropriately belongs in a taco, but it is actually sweet, rich, and moist, somewhat akin to chocolate but more complex, less overpowering, more creamy, and somewhat earthy. It is truly unique, and it works well in many different recipes. In this case, I used it as the principal flavoring in my madeleines, albeit married with chocolate chips, and I found that it made a sweet, delicious, rich, addictive cookie, one that is somehow even sweeter than the average madeleine—like chocolate but even better.
This recipe is entirely my own.
- 1/2 pound red bean paste
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 8 tablespoons butter
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- In a large bowl, combine the eggs, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix together using a beater on low speed for several minutes until well combined; then switch to high speed until the batter is thin and pale. Sift in the flour in a number of small additions while continuing to beat.
- Heat the butter over medium heat in a small saucepan until it turns to a rich brown and releases nutty flavors. Then remove from heat and allow to cool.
- Fold the butter in with the rest of the ingredients, producing a thick but clearly liquid batter.
- Spray two madeleine pans with non-stick cooking spray. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook the madeleines for 15 minutes in the oven, checking regularly to make sure they are not burning (this can easily occur with madeleines).
- Allow the madeleines several minutes to cool; then remove them from the molds. Dust with powdered sugar.
Photo Guide

© 2019 Ryan Thomas
Liza from USA on December 05, 2019:
I have yet to make madeleines this year. Somehow red bean paste madeleines sound very interesting. I never had it before. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
Liz Westwood from UK on December 05, 2019:
This is an interesting variation on a French favourite of mine.