Hot Nutella Sandwich Recipe With Other Awesome Goth Food Party Ideas
Penelope was a PR in London in the 70’s, then a Hollywood researcher. She was a freelance magazine journalist and teacher. Now she writes!
Cook Time
Prep time | Cook time | Ready in | Yields |
10 min | 15 min | 25 min | 2 people - 1 sandwich each |
- 4 slices sliced bread, white
- 1 egg
- 30/40 ml (1/2 cup - 3/4 cup) milk, approx (as you like it for French Toast)
- pinch salt
- 2 pats butter, salty
- 2 tablespoons Nutella, heaped
- 1 pkt (300 grams or 10 ozs) frozen berry fruits, approximately
- 3/4 tablespoons icing sugar
- Thaw the frozen fruits and berries.
- Put them in a smallish non-stick saucepan with a few tablespoons of icing sugar and stir and cook until the juice has thickened.
- In a mixing dish, beat the egg and the milk together with the salt - as you would for French Toast.
- Put the slices of bread in the egg and milk to soak briefly.
- Put two slices of the bread in the frying pan and fry well on one side.
- Turn them over and fry lightly on the other side.
- Repeat with the other two slices of bread
- Put two slices of cooked bread on a board and spread each paler side with Nutella. (Use a large cooking knife to spread). Put the other slice on the top. Cut in half diagonally.
- Put the hot berry sauce in a pretty bowl with a serving spoon.
- Serve the sandwiches on a pretty plate with the berry sauce on the side.
- Dollop as much berry sauce as you like on the hot sandwiches.
- Sprinkle with icing sugar.
Hot Nutella Sandwich Dobbed with Hot Black Fruits
A Goth Party

Goth Tea Party
By Elmo Love (Flickr: GothTeaParty-002) [CC-BY-2.0 (], vi
Gothic Party Ideas
Giving a goth party is a great excuse to delve into all the bruised, fruity sorts of foods and atmosphere that the dark side of human nature likes to dip into from time to time.
Who'd care about roast chicken and potatoes when there are delicious goth food alternatives to drum up on those other, party occasions, (or even a bbq steak!)
This article is jam-and-pickle packed with the following goth food ideas for those parties when tofu-and-cress-on-a-wedge-of-wholegrain just won't swing for you any more - for your goth brunch, BBQ, lunch, high tea (or night time affair),or for Halloween:
- Party theme ideas
- Recipe
- Menu ideas
I've also included a list of don't dos for your party as well as a list of helpful foods that you can serve that are really simple, once you have created your goth party room - or table or place in the woods.
Party Theme Idea
Since there isn't anything casual about goth style, creating the right ambiance is the first step. It's a self-conscious mixture of elegant and fine, with a lot of black in it - shrouded in melancholy and a lot of "who cares?"
Any one of the following characters, periods or genres can inspire your goth party table and theme and make your food taste goth-interesting:
- Victorian fashion dress and bric a brac
- Lisbeth Sanders - the brave hacker in the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy,
- Edgar Allen Poe poems such as 'The Raven' which begins "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary"
- Wednesday Addams (of the 'Adams Family', kind of Halloween),
- Abbey, NCIS forensic scientist, (Pauley Perrette)
For my goth table setting (in the photo above), I played around with lace, bits of bark, a china vase, a Victorian fan and candles for my elegant table look, but if you're a Punk-ish kind of goth then possibly ripped red velvet with harsh white lights and black candles would work just as well.
What Foods Not to Serve at a Halloween Goth Party
Here is a menu of goth foods for all occasions with choices for an intimate get-together, or for bigger parties like Halloween.
The only really goth thing to bear in mind is presentation; the foods are so beautiful when they really look striking and unique. Garnish with red flower petals, or whole walnuts or serve olives in a silver bowl, or call in for 'French Fries' that will arrive in bright take-away containers.
Lighting with candles is suggestive too (no strobes).
Here are some absolute don't s (because they suggest health, well being and the mundane - all that is typically, stereotypically un-goth - where most Gothic people are concerned!)**.
- green salads (beetroot is OK, but in ball shapes and with balsamic vinegar)
- lettuce leafs - as garnish
- roast chicken or pork chops
- roast potatoes
- stews
- boiled vegetables
- pies
- spaghetti
- Chinese, Mexican or Indian Foods
- Grilled fish
- Pumpkin served as a pumpkin (it has to be very darkly cooked and served with something like black grapes, baked into a bread)
**. Not all Gothic people, agreed.
Goth Foods for a Party
Some helpful, smart looking goth foods.
- Maraschino cherries
- Grilled mushrooms
- Rare roast beef with black olives or truffles
- Barbequed steak
- Lobster tails
- Black beans
- Black olives
- Black figs - served any way
- Walnuts
- Peruvian Chocolate Sauce
- White ice cream
- Jellied Fruits
- Chocolate and more chocolate
- Campari drinks
- Red wine (mulled wine would be great with all the bark in it)
- Espresso coffee - from an espresso machine with sugar cubes
Here follows some menu ideas that might inspire your goth party, or your Halloween Party.
Fig Loaf
Planning a Menu for a Goth Party
Brunch Party | Afternoon Tea Party | Party Party with Food |
Fried egg whites + a grilled brown mushroom on the top of each | Small ball shapes eggs rolled in caviar (lumpfish) with Congnac buttered toast | Fried Nutella sandwiches+ blueberries |
Deep fried black pudding, deep fried pickled gurkins and deep fried Maraschino cherries | Bitter chocolate cake to die for with cranberry jelly and Campari Grapefruit | Hamburger and ketchup + delivered chips |
Beetroot in ball shapes, fresh walnuts, balls of gorgonzola on a plate of black rice and trufle olive oil - and tree types of black olives. Martini's with black olives | Black tea with rhodiola, lemon sponge cake and merangue, strawberry ice cream and loganberries + mint chocolate thins | Black squid ink risotto |
Parma Ham served on a clear plastic plate with figs | Blinis with caviar (lumpfish), quals eggs + pumkin and banana bread, martinis with black olives. | Black beans with chopped squid + boiled lobster tails with butter |
Cold beetroot soup, hot fig cake served with chocolate ice cream | Barbequed beef steaks with baked potato and ketcup | Barbequed kebabs of dried fruits stuffed with nuts and sausages |
© 2012 Penelope Hart
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on March 10, 2014:
Thanks Audrey!
Audrey Howitt from California on March 08, 2014:
Pretty fun stuff!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on April 05, 2013:
Easy to make and yes, really truly too delicious. Hope you'll love one after another. Wicked good.
Thanks so much for commenting!
StitchTheDamned from Clifton Park, NY on April 04, 2013:
These are all fantastic ideas! I particularily like the hot nutella sandwhiches with the fruit. Those sound so delicious, easy to make and they look so pretty.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on January 30, 2013:
An overdose of dark chocolate of course. Thanks!
idigwebsites from United States on January 30, 2013:
Hahahaha. People with boyfriends and girlfriends who are into goth will surely appreciate and follow these tips and really unique theme menu.
And throw in the dark chocolate too to boot. :)
Up and interesting :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on December 09, 2012:
17 & Due on Shavuot from Modesto, CA on December 09, 2012:
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on October 25, 2012:
Bring out that dark side with forbidden fruits and ....nutella sandwiches! Thanks and have a ball!
Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on October 25, 2012:
Hot Nutella sandwich .... What a great invention for a recipe! I love creating something that no one has ever heard of before. I've never thought of having a Goth party before but sounds like it would be a lot of fun and a chance to let out that dark side :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 29, 2012:
Hui. Beautiful commenting. Appreciated thank you.
Verbalstasis. Being weird is great fun sometimes, thanks for being my friend on this.
LesTroisChenes, This goth food has to be very very posh! I'd have loved to have seen your black and white party.
prasetio. Appreciate your comment and your votes! Thank you.
prasetio30 from malang-indonesia on September 29, 2012:
Very inspiring hub. Good presentation and I love the recipe as well. Thanks for writing and share with us. Voted up!
Les Trois Chenes from Videix, Limousin, South West France on September 23, 2012:
Your goth's get very posh food! It looks lovely. When I was a student we had a black and white party, including black and white food. It was great fun but, alas, lobster and caviar were not on the menu.
Ice from New York, New York on September 22, 2012:
being weird is fun and pleasing, if it were no diversity life would be boring. I agree my friend
Hui (蕙) on September 22, 2012:
Beautiful food, beautiful hub, beautiful idea! Congratulations!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 22, 2012:
David R Bradley. So important to create a sexy vibe at a party don't you agree? I had fun with this!
the raggededge. Steampunk? Yes, I think it's in there somewhere, yes, why not? Thanks for votes and pinning.
verbalstasis. A little variety is the spice of life - and a bit weird is such fun sometimes isn't it?
Ice from New York, New York on September 22, 2012:
very weird but good, it's nice to have a little variety
Bev G from Wales, UK on September 22, 2012:
Goth... and a little bit Steampunk, I'd say! Voted up in many directions! Pinned too :-)
David R Bradley from The Active Side of Infinity on September 22, 2012:
Hands down the sexiest HUB I've seen! Just delightful! My imagination completely lit up as I read this. Thank you for taking us all on this gothic adventure!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 22, 2012:
unkown spy. It's amazing and hope you try it, once twice and many times.
teresamag. Thanks for great comment.
kittythdreamer. I had a lot of fun creating it so it's great to know you approve of it.
Your Cousins. Hope you have a super spooky goth Halloween.
Mr. Crimxen. You have to try the deep fried battered black pudding, gherkin and cherries one and let me know how you liked it!
Allen-Michael Harber from New Hampshire on September 22, 2012:
These are interesting meal ideas that I want to try out and they look delicious. Cheers.
Your Cousins from Atlanta, GA on September 22, 2012:
There's something spooky, mysterious and DELICIOUS about this hub GoodLady. I think I would love the Nutella sandwich and the whole idea of having a goth party for Halloween.
Kitty Fields from Summerland on September 22, 2012:
This was awesome. Probably the best and most creative hub I've seen on here in a LONG time. Great job!
teresamg from Portugal on September 22, 2012:
Wow, this looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing! It's very original.
Life Under Construction from Neverland on September 22, 2012:
that was very awesome recipe! looks sooo good!
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 22, 2012:
Thelma Alberts You don't have to be goth, no, but fun to get under their skin for a party!
vespawoolf Thanks so much. The Raven is so goth!
apples and pears. Yes, I like it really really rich, oozing with rich, thanks for commenting.
Apples and Pears on September 22, 2012:
Richly delicious fun!! This hub is full of great ideas, goth or not!!!
Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on September 22, 2012:
Congrats on HOTD! These are great ideas that have my mouth watering. Love the Raven!
Thelma Alberts from Germany on September 22, 2012:
Congratulations on the hub of the day! I don´t think I have to be gothic to enjoy this goth party, do I? Very interesting hub. Thanks for sharing.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 22, 2012:
Judi Bee. This hub is for you - who inspired the writing of it.
Teresa. Glad you like the pictures and thanks for visiting this goth page.
Eddy from Wales! Great you commented (ta!)
Eiddwen from Wales on September 22, 2012:
Very interesting and thanks for sharing.
Teresa Elizabeth on September 22, 2012:
I love these recipes!! the pictures themselves are mouthwatering and what a great theme. Well done GoodLady, watching out for your next one.
Judi Brown from UK on September 22, 2012:
What a brilliant, original hub! Love it!
Voted up and pinned :)
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 20, 2012:
GiblinGirl. I think goth makes for a great party theme, so bizarre and dark.
Om P! That Nutella sandwich is truly the most wonderful food this side of Christmas, good, good. So great you pinned it. I loved writing this hub, so many thanks
Om Paramapoonya on September 20, 2012:
Heheee I love this hub! So timely for Halloween. The hot Nutella sandwich sounds so awesome I can actually eat it any day, even when I'm not in my "goth mood." Rated up and pinned!
GiblinGirl from New Jersey on September 20, 2012:
Wow - lots of great ideas. Definitely makes me want to throw my own party.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 20, 2012:
jellygator I'm sure being Gothic once in a while is deliciously bad for us.
DarryImdavis Have a delicious goth Halloween. Thanks for commneting here. Appreciate it!
AliciaC I'd never thought about a goth party till I realized what an interesting group of people they are - trendsetters in their way. Then I wondered what they might eat and it felt exciting. So pleased you dropped by to comment and thank you.
Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on September 19, 2012:
What an interesting idea for a hub, GoodLady! I love all your suggestions. I've never thought about what a goth food party would be like before, but your food choices sound ideal!
Darrylmdavis from Brussels, Belgium on September 19, 2012:
Great hub! I may well "kiddie" a couple of these for Halloween. :-)
jellygator from USA on September 19, 2012:
After reading this, I might become a bit Gothic myself. YUM!
Andrew Spacey from Near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire,UK on September 19, 2012:
Oooooh lovely hub, right up my street although I'm no goth I can see the beauty, dark beauty, of these recipes and ideas. Such mouth watering morsels for the average gothophile.
Votes for this delicious compilation.
Penelope Hart (author) from Rome, Italy on September 19, 2012:
Yea!!! Good on you guys, have a spooky party.
We loved that recipe too, which was my invention. Thanks so much for the votes and share.
Marissa from United States on September 19, 2012:
That recipe looks fantastic and I love the party ideas! I'm a Poe fan, so my party would definitely use elements from that time period.
Voted up and sharing ! I know some friends who would love these ideas, especially this time of year.