Recipe for Seville Orange Marmalade
L.M.Reid creates delicious recipes and gives step-by-step instructions with her own photos so you can learn how to make each recipe at home.
How to Make Seville Orange Marmalade
Once you have tasted your own homemade marmalade, you will never want to buy the commercially made varieties again. The flavor and taste will be superior to any you have ever tasted before
Yes, preparing the ingredients can be messy and does take time, but it is well worth the effort. This recipe works for lemon marmalade, too. Just use a pound of lemons and one orange and follow the instructions below. I have included step-by-step instructions and my own photos so you can learn how to make this marmalade at home.
Prep time | Cook time | Ready in | Yields |
45 min | 55 min | 1 hour 40 min | 4 to 5 jars of marmalade |
- 13 to 14 (approximately 1 pound) Seville oranges
- 1 large lemon
- 1.8 kgs (approximately 1 1/2 bags) jam sugar
- Large pot
- 4 to 5 jam jars with lids
- Wooden spoon
- Ladle
- Bowl
- Container
- Oven-proof container
- Plate
- 2 saucers
- Electric food processor
Step 1: Prepare the Jars
- Sterilse the jars, lids and muslin or cheesecloth.
- Wash the jars and lids in hot water.
- Place them in an oven proof container and put in the oven.
- Put the muslin cloth or cheesecloth into a container and cover with boiling water.
- Put a plate or saucer in the freezer.
Step 2: Prepare the Oranges and Lemon
- Wash and dry the oranges and lemon.
- Cut each orange into four pieces.
- Do this on a small plate to catch every bit of juice.
- Remove the orange segment from each piece.
- Take out all the pips from each segment.
- Put the pips into one container as you will use these later.
- The pips are full of pectin and this is needed to set the marmalade.
- Place the remaining slices of orange peel on to a plate.
- The orange peel contains the zest which is the orange part and the pith which is the white part.
- The pith contains the pectin which allows the marmalade to set.
- Do this for each orange.
- Prepare the lemon in exactly the same way as above.
Step 3: Prepare the Pectin Bag
- Use a piece of muslin cloth or cheesecloth.
- Place the pips from the fruit onto the cloth.
- Wrap around the four corners and tie into a knot creating a bag to hold the pips.
- Use some more of the muslin to make a string and attach to the bag.
Step 4: Cook the Fruit
- If you like peels in your marmalade cut up a quarter of the orange peel into thin strips.
- Place in the pot.
- Put three quarters of the orange peels and that from the lemon into the mixer.
- Mix until a fine pulp.
- Add this to the peels in the pot.
- Tie the bag onto the side of the pot so that it boils with the rest of the mixture.
- The pectin from the pips will seep into the fruit as it simmers.
- Add enough boiling water to the pot so that it just covers the fruit.
- Turn the heat up until the mixture comes to the boil.
- Keep the marmalade boiling for about 10 minutes making sure to stir all the time.

Put three quarters of the orange peels and that from the lemon into the mixer. Mix until a fine pulp.
Step 5: Test for Readiness
- Take the saucer out of the freezer.
- Using a wooden spoon remove a small bit of mixture and place on the saucer.
- Leave for about 2 minutes.
- Either take a spoon or use your finger to test it.
- If there is a slight tightness in the marmalade, then it is setting.
Step 6: Add the Jam Sugar
Jam sugar has pectin added so it speeds up the cooking time of the marmalade.
- Pour in the sugar at intervals stirring all the time.
- Once the sugar has dissolved completely lower the heat under the pot.
- Boil for about 45 minutes stirring the mixture at all times.
- If you see orange scum on the surface of the marmalade liquid, add a knob of butter.
- This will dissolve the scum easily.
Step 7: Squeeze Out the Liquid
- Remove the pot from the heat.
- Untie the muslin bag from the pot.
- Place on a plate and squeeze out any liquid using a fork and knife.
- Return this to the pot as this contains pectin.
- Remove the large pieces of orange and lemon skin from the pot.
- Stir the marmalade well.
Step 8: Ladle Into Jars
- Take the jam jars out of the oven and place near your marmalade.
- Using a ladle, spoon the marmalade into the jar.
- Leave about half an inch free at the top.
- Seal with the lid.
- Repeat the process with the other jars.
- Put the last of the marmalade into a container.
- Gently move the container that has the marmalade jars away and do not move for 24 hours.
- This will allow the marmalade to set properly.
- Make some toast and taste your marmalade.
How to Make Orange marmalade
Seville Orange Marmalde Recipe
Seville oranges are very easy to peel and are full of juice. They make the marmalade taste much sweeter with a stronger flavor. They are high in pectin too. Pectin is what enables the marmalade to set. The disadvantage with using Seville oranges is that they are only available in January and February in most countries. Other oranges can be used very successfully but the taste of marmalade made with Seville oranges is unique.
Jam Sugar
Jam sugar is used when making jams and marmalade because it contains added pectin. This allows the jam and marmalade to set quicker cutting the time needed in the cooking process. I hope you enjoyed it enough to try making your own orange marmalade at home soon. You will be surprised at how much better it tastes than any other you have bought in the shops.
L M Reid (author) from Ireland on March 06, 2014:
Thank you everyone for all the kind comments and for sharing, I do appreciate it.
DzyMsLizzy yes you can use ordinary sugar to make the marmalade but it takes longer to cook. It does take a while to make but is well worth the effort for that wonderful taste .
RTalloni it does indeed smell really nice while it is cooking.
RTalloni on March 05, 2014:
Congrats on your Hub of the Day award for this how-to on making this orange marmalade. Can't imagine how wonderful it smells when you are preparing it!
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on March 05, 2014:
Congrats on HOTD!
I will have to bookmark this, for sure. The store bought varieties are all chock-full of that horrid "high fructose corn syrup" instead of real sugar, and it is not good for us.
This does sound like a lot of work, and a full day in the kitchen, but I'm sure it is worth the effort. I'm thinking--might this also be done in a traditional boiling water bath canner, instead of using the oven to heat the jars? I'll have to find out.
As far as "jam sugar," I've never seen any such thing here in the USA..perhaps adding some powdered fruit pectin would work as well, if all we have is plain granulated sugar?
Ana Maria Orantes from Miami Florida on March 05, 2014:
Miss. Viking 305m Congratulations for the instructions on How to Make Marmalade with Seville Oranges. You did a fantastic job on your hub. Thank you for the recepy.
Harry from Sydney, Australia on March 05, 2014:
Great article! ..and congrats on being chosen as the hub of the day :)
Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on March 05, 2014:
I will be trying this out! I use marmalade in my salad almost daily and I have lots of cute jars I save for projects just like this. Thanks so much for sharing! ^
Yvette Stupart PhD from Jamaica on March 05, 2014:
This is an awesome hub. I love the great pictures that help you to easily follow the instructions that are given. Thanks for sharing viking305.
Barbara Bethard from Tucson, Az on March 05, 2014:
oh my viking305!! This is an exceptional hub! So well written with amazing pictures and videos!! Congratulations on the HOTD!! Well Deserved!
Kenneth C Agudo from Tiwi, Philippines on March 05, 2014:
Wow Amazing hub! When I was in high school we had this topic of canning, or making jams but we never tried making one. great recipe and very clear instructions too :)
swilliams on March 05, 2014:
Wow this is amazing work! The videos are amazing and the Marmalade looks tasty. Thank for sharing .
L M Reid (author) from Ireland on February 13, 2014:
sallybea 3 thanks for your comment. Your mother was very lucky indeed to have a fruit garden.
Patsybell making marmalade really is quite easy maybe you might try it when you have time, it is well worth the trouble for the lovely taste. Thanks for the comment and the pin
L M Reid (author) from Ireland on February 12, 2014:
Thank you VVanNess, it is the first time I tried it too and it tastes so much better than the shop bought marmalade. When you have the time you should give this recipe a go, you will not be disappointed.
Patsy Bell Hobson from zone 6a, Southeast Missouri, USA on February 10, 2014:
This is amazing. I never thought o make it myself. Great photos and clear instruction. Voted up and pinned.
Sally Gulbrandsen from Norfolk on February 10, 2014:
Great tutorial with some lovely images. My late Mother made jams and marmalade all the time, really delicious they were too. It is too bad that I had not inherited all her skills. Guess it helped that she had almost every fruit imaginable growing in the back garden and with her large family and it was a necessity for her to do so. Thanks for sharing.
Victoria Van Ness from Fountain, CO on February 09, 2014:
Yum! I'll have to try this out. This looks delicious. :) Great job!