How to Make a Perfect Omelette
I used to help in our family restaurant, love good food and enjoy thinking up creative ways to cook and use leftovers to avoid food waste.
The Secret to Perfect Omelettes
Are you a beginner in the kitchen, or have you had difficulty in the past making omelettes? You will be happy to learn just how easy making them really is. Once you grasp the technique, which I will share with you below, you'll be ready to make magic in the kitchen.
If you are a more seasoned cook, you probably know already how to make omelettes—but I wonder if you've had any as delicious as the ones I am going to show you?
- Small frying pan, preferably non-stick
- Tablespoon and dessert spoon for measuring
- Egg whisk (or a fork)
- Mixing bowl
- Grater
- Turner or fish lift
If you are making an omelette for more than one person, it is possible to make one huge omelette in a large pan, and divide it after it has been cooked. However, I don't advise this method as it is a bit messy, and it doesn't look so appetizing. After all, aesthetics in cooking are important, too, even though it is the taste and texture which matters most.
Cooking Time
Prep Time: 4 minutes
Total Time: 6 minutes
Serves: 1 servings
- 2 or 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon cold water
- 1 dessert spoon olive oil
- 1 or 2 dessert spoons grated cheese
- Gather the necessary equipment: mixing bowl, small frying pan, egg whisk or fork, grater and turner/fish lift. Also, have a plate standing ready to receive the omelette, as there will be split-second timing to ensure the omelette is turned out of the pan before it overcooks.
- Break the eggs into the bowl, add the water and whisk them. If you like a very light omelette, whisk until slightly frothy, but if you like a slightly heavier omelette, whisk until the egg yolks are only just combined with the egg whites and are still a bit streaky.
- Grate the cheese.
- Heat the olive oil in the frying pan, swirling it around to ensure the base is completely covered in oil, until it just starts to smoke.
- Pour in the eggs and tip or stir the pan so that the egg mixture completely covers the base. Turn down the heat and, using the turner, keep dragging the partly set eggs into the middle, so that the liquid spreads out to the edges.
- Just as the omelette is starting to solidify, but is still slightly runny, sprinkle the cheese evenly over half of the omelette.
- Run the turner round the side of the pan briefly, to ensure the omelette is not sticking. Then, whilst it is still slightly loose, fold the half of the omelette which hasn't got cheese in it over the half that has got cheese, and allow it to solidify slightly. If you like a pale omelette, tip it out almost immediately onto a plate, and serve immediately, before it has time to sink down. If you like a darker omelette, just continue cooking until it browns, and then turn it out onto a plate (You can either slide it out with the turner, or flip it over like a pancake.)
Mushroom Omelette
- Slice four mushrooms, and fry them in a small amount of olive oil or butter. I sometimes add a tomato as well.
- Start cooking the omelette using the same method as for the cheese omelette, above—but this time, instead of adding grated cheese, add the cooked mushroom (or mushroom and tomato).
- Or if you fancy cheese and mushroom omelette, add cheese and mushroom as a filling.
Tomato, Onion and Cheese Omelette
Cooking Time
Prep Time: 4 minutes
Total Time: 6 minutes
Serves: 1 person
It's so easy, once you've mastered the basics of making a cheese omelette—you do everything the same as before but this time preparing and frying the filling before you start on the omelette because it takes a few minutes longer to cook the onion.
Thus, instead of just using grated cheese as a stuffing for your omelette, this time we will ring the changes.
- In a small saucepan, fry half a small onion, chopped small, add a clove of garlic, finely chopped, and a tomato, cut into small pieces, adding a pinch of any green herbs that you have, fresh or dried.
- Use a tablespoon of the mixture for your omelette, spreading it over one side, and sprinkle some grated cheese over it. Then fold the other half of the omelette over, to enclose the mixture.

More Variations
- Add a little garlic and coriander leaves.
- Make a seafood omelette by adding prawns.
- Experiment by adding a tiny amount of dried chilli seeds or fresh chopped chili, but do be careful and only use a small amount, as you don't want the flavour too overpowering, or you won't be able to taste any of the other more delicate ingredients.
More Omelette Recipes
More About Eggs
- Organic vs. Free-Range vs. Cage-Free Eggs
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In this simple recipe guide, I describe how to poach eggs in an egg poacher and in boiling water. I also look at poaching eggs in the microwave using egg rings.
© 2012 Diana Grant
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Dshibu from Nairobi on September 19, 2019:
yummy omelet.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on June 11, 2019:
That's funny, cheese is the one ingredient I wouldn't leave out of an omelette.
Thelma Alberts from Germany on February 24, 2019:
Yummy! I love omelette but I have not tried putting cheese on it. That is a good idea. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Have a great week.
RUBBANI on September 03, 2018:
Sandy Ks on December 30, 2017:
I love making omelets. They are so many ways to make one.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on July 08, 2014:
@paulahite: Thank you so much!
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on July 08, 2014:
@CherylsArt: I'll have to try that - I'm growing more spinach than I could possibly use, so any new ideas are welcome - thanks
CherylsArt on July 08, 2014:
I like using sauteed spinach too.
Paula Hite from Virginia on July 08, 2014:
Nice recipes! I shared it on our G+ page today. Come and check it out!
Rose Jones on January 03, 2014:
I like to have a few stock recipes that are oldies but goodies and can be made with what is an hand. Chicken soup for example. Here is a great article on another classic: the omelette. Bookmarked.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on December 30, 2013:
@noner: Follow my instructions and you will find scrambled eggs a thing of the past
noner on December 30, 2013:
At the point that I try to fold my omelette I usually end up with scrambled eggs.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on May 24, 2013:
@SheGetsCreative: I never thought of putting avocado in an omelette - must try it
Angela F from Seattle, WA on May 24, 2013:
Love omelettes - especially ones with cheese and avocado!
anonymous on December 19, 2012:
I love omelettes.
loveanime22 on November 30, 2012:
I love omelette
ohcaroline on November 22, 2012:
I enjoy a good omelet now and then.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on November 22, 2012:
@Ahdilarum: Glad your son is encouraged to cook, my children were too, but, as a child, I wasn't allowed in the kitchen, as we had a cook, so when I married at 20 I could just about boil an egg, and not much else. That's what gave me the idea to do a whole lot of web pages for beginners about cooking basic food
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on November 22, 2012:
@anonymous: It's really very simple, and there is a cookery programme on English TV where the chefs compete with each other to make one in less than a minute. But of course, that doesn't include fancy ingredients
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on November 22, 2012:
@Michey LM: Thanks so much for the blessings
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on November 22, 2012:
@Joan Haines: Yes, until I was taught the proper way by my Mother-in-Law who ran a restaurant, mine were also very touch-and-go
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on November 22, 2012:
@Loganor: Except, perhaps, brussels sprouts!
Loganor on November 21, 2012:
Omelets are like the ultimate way to get rid of leftovers - you can put anything in them! LOL
Joan Haines on November 20, 2012:
When I actually make a decent omelette, I am astonished. Now I know the secret, so I'll be expecting nice omelettes from here on out!
Michey LM on November 20, 2012:
It look delicious to me, and I like the way you explain, Blessings!
anonymous on November 20, 2012:
I love a really good omelet and yet have never tried to make my own! I always thought it was too difficult. Having read this great article I can now see that it really isn't that difficult after all.
Susan Deppner from Arkansas USA on November 20, 2012:
I fix omelets frequently - they really are much easier than they look. Love 'em!
Ahdilarum on November 20, 2012:
omelette is simple thing, which even my 10 year old son will prepare and serve
Totus Mundus on November 11, 2012:
Nice omelette ideas, Spanish omelette is a favorite of mine.
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on August 22, 2012:
@anonymous: I had one this morning with a tomato,garlic,onion and cheese filling - all my favorite ingredients: Bliss!
anonymous on August 22, 2012:
I am suddenly craving for an omelette.
Arthur Russ from England on August 14, 2012:
Thanks for visiting my eggy lens; I love omelettes especially with chips (which I think is known as Fries in America).
Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on August 10, 2012:
@Lady Lorelei: Enjoy!
Lorelei Cohen from Canada on August 10, 2012:
Your omelette recipe not only looks simple to prepare but it also looks delicious.
Tony Payne from Southampton, UK on June 09, 2012:
I love omelettes, especially with cheese, ham, peppers and onions, and Louisiana Hot Sauce too. Nicely done, now I fancy breakfast.
JoshK47 on May 16, 2012:
I've never quite managed to make an omelette correctly. Thanks for sharing! Blessed by a SquidAngel!
Bill Armstrong from Valencia, California on May 14, 2012:
Sadly I failed, back to the drawing board
CameronPoe on May 12, 2012:
"The Secret is to Have the 0il
Smoking-Hot Before You Drop the
Egg Mixture in"
Because I don't do this, my omelette turns into scramble eggs.
getmoreinfo on May 10, 2012:
I like to add fresh vegetables to my omelettes which I try to eat on the weekend so I can pile them high with cheese and sauce. Yummo. Thanks for all the tips.
MarionElodie on May 10, 2012:
This is a great lens! I recently found out about a sweet breakfast omelette and prepare it regularly, but the recipes you shared look great as well. Thanks for sharing!
Clairissa from OREFIELD, PA on May 10, 2012:
Looks yummy! Thanks for the tips. I think I will make one right now. :)
jammarti on May 09, 2012:
Thanks for sharing! I would definitely try this one on weekend. Hope it would taste good. (fingers crossed)
mrsclaus411 on May 08, 2012:
Thanks for sharing your recipes and your secret to great omelettes.
anonymous on May 08, 2012:
My Family loves when I make Omelettes, I used to work for the Hospitality Industry; I watched and observed the Cooks prepare certain Foods! I already love to cook and now I can cook almost like a Profession al! ;)
At least my Family thinks so! :D
thememorybooksh1 on May 07, 2012:
I like cheese Omelet :) thanks for the recipe.
trendydad on May 07, 2012:
looks tasty, nice lens
simonzenger on May 07, 2012:
i like .it's look delicious...
Senditondown from US on May 07, 2012:
I love to eat and cook omelettes. The key is exactly what you say in step #4...dragging the partially set egg to the middle. Have never tried using olive oil. Very nice lens with easy to follow instructions.
Gerald McConway on May 07, 2012:
My secret is to cook off my bacon and then lie the eggs right on top of bacon fat. Yes, it has a few more calories, but man is it goooood!
Deb Kingsbury from Flagstaff, Arizona on May 07, 2012:
I love omelets. I just have to be careful not to undercook them in the middle while overcooking them on the outside.
blessedmomto7 on May 05, 2012:
I love omelets with veggies in them. Congrats on your front page lens!
Heidi Vincent from GRENADA on May 04, 2012:
Great omelette tips! Hope my omelettes improve.
KimGiancaterino on May 04, 2012:
I love omelets -- they're fast and satisfying. Also good for any meal of the day. Your onion, tomato, cheese combination sounds like a winner!
faber80 on May 04, 2012:
excellent tips!
Winter52 LM on May 04, 2012:
Now that looks easy enough... I just might be able to pull this one off without it looking like scrambled eggs. ;)
RachelDillin on May 03, 2012:
Omelets are delicious! Thanks for the tips.
MelonyVaughan on May 03, 2012:
Excellent tips! I'm bookmarking this lens.
alex89 lm on May 02, 2012:
I am a cook so I already know how to make an omelette, but this is a great idea for a lens! Now I'm thinking that might be what I make for dinner :)
Arc4life on May 02, 2012:
I love omelettes, and always have difficulty creating the perfect one. Nice tips !
Fcuk Hub on May 02, 2012:
Your how to make lens is great :)
anonymous on May 02, 2012:
Wow! I love cooking especially in the morning before going to the office. I make sure I have omelettes in the table. This will definitely make my day bright!
cream cheese icing
gemmawild on May 02, 2012:
My omelettes always turn into scrambled eggs, it's that frustrating I've given up. But I will give it another go, armed with your handy tips! Thanks =)
puppyprints on May 01, 2012:
looks delicious!
ElizabethJohnson on May 01, 2012:
Haha I wish I didn't click on this! Now I'm super hungry! ugh :P
writerkath on May 01, 2012:
Hi Diana! That was some helpful and easy-to-follow advice! I am heading over to a few of your other lenses... that Risotto looks good next! :) *Blessed!*
allenwebstarme on May 01, 2012:
Omelette is my favorite breakfast. I will try cheese omelette.
LisaDH on April 30, 2012:
My son makes fun of my pathetic attempts at a decent-looking omelette (although he doesn't complain about the taste!), so I'm going to try your directions and see if I can improve.
Kay on April 30, 2012:
I make the messiest omelets. I'll have to try your method! Great page. Great tips!
getmoreinfo on April 30, 2012:
I love to eat omelets, especially on the weekends, because I can add cheese and bacon and fresh broccoli pieces. Yummo.
Stephanie Tietjen from Albuquerque, New Mexico on April 30, 2012:
I appreciate the tips for additional ingredients as I eat an omelette every morning and it can be dull. I like the seafood omelette idea. These are great instructions and ideas. Thanks!
digitaltree on April 28, 2012:
Nice lens about omelette, i want to make one for breakfest.