How to Make a Healthy Smoothie at Home
Liza is a homemaker. She has an obsession with coffee and loves photography, baking, cooking, and writing.
Healthy Homemade Smoothie
After my morning workout, I love making a healthy smoothie. A smoothie can be a wonderful way to restore and fortify our bodies after an exhausting workout.
Smoothies make an excellent post-exercise drink because they are endlessly flexible in terms of ingredients. You can add any fruit and/or vegetable you like, such as strawberry, pineapple, or kale. With just a handful of ingredients, a couple of minutes, and a blender, you’ve got yourself a delicious and healthy drink to enjoy at home or on the go.
Smoothies give you energy without making you feel overly full. The blend I'm going to show you below is packed with vitamin C and fiber, and you'll be amazed by how easy it is to make.
Quick Tip: Freeze the Fruit Ahead of Time
You can store cut-up banana and blueberries in the freezer, and then whenever you're ready for a smoothie, just grab the frozen fruit and blitz it up in the blender. Remember, you can almost use any fruits that you like! Bonus tip: If you use fruits, you don't have to add any ice cubes!
- 1 cut-up frozen banana
- 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/2 cup organic baby spinach
- 1/4 cup ready-made smoothie (I used mango and pineapple)
- 1/4 cup water or coconut water
- 1 scoop Vital Proteins or any kind of protein you prefer (optional)
Note: You can use frozen pineapple or frozen strawberries to replace the ready-made smoothie. This recipe makes about 500 ml.
- Combine the frozen banana, frozen blueberries, baby spinach, smoothie, water, and protein in a blender.
- Blend the mixture by using a smoothie mode. Stop once the mixture is smooth and well combined.
- Pour the smoothie into a tall glass. Don't forget the straw!
- Enjoy smoothie as your post-workout or pre-workout meal.
- For best results, drink up at least 30 minutes before starting your workout and snack on something right after.
Photo Tutorial

© 2020 Liza
Liza (author) from USA on November 24, 2020:
I know right? That's the thing I love about smoothie. You can almost add any fruit or vegetable you like! Most of the time, the taste always delicious and it's very healthy for you. Thanks for commenting, Sp.
Sp Greaney from Ireland on November 24, 2020:
I love how you can customise what you want to put in them and you can also add ingredients like spinach or protein powder to add nutrients.
Liza (author) from USA on November 24, 2020:
You're welcome, Linda. The smoothie is an excellent beverage to boost our immune system.
Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on November 23, 2020:
I always enjoy drinking smoothies. Thanks for sharing your version, Liza. I'm sure I would love it!
Liza (author) from USA on November 23, 2020:
Peggy, Covid-19 is surging in Utah right now. We have already canceled the Thanksgiving gathering. Most people are working from home and we ought to stay healthy. In the meantime, this smoothie should be able to boost my immune system. Thanks for commenting and stay safe!
Liza (author) from USA on November 23, 2020:
Working from home means I have to make sure I stay healthy at the same time. The smoothie is a great addition to my daily diet right now. Thanks for commenting, Liz.
Liza (author) from USA on November 23, 2020:
You're welcome, Eman. Stay safe and stay healthy!
Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on November 23, 2020:
Your smoothie sounds delicious. They are so easy to make with blenders and a variety of ingredients. Cheers to your health!
Liz Westwood from UK on November 23, 2020:
This is a great idea for a healthy smoothie. I really appreciate your tips and pictorial tutorial.
Eman Abdallah Kamel from Egypt on November 23, 2020:
It looks very delicious, easy, and healthy. Thank you for sharing