Green Peas: Varieties, Nutrition Facts, Recipes, and Poems
Linda Crampton is a teacher with an honors degree in biology. She enjoys exploring nutrition as well as the culture and history of food.
A Useful and Nutritious Vegetable
Green peas are a tasty and very nutritious vegetable that should be a part of almost everyone's diet. They're a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and soluble fiber. They are also very versatile. They can be cooked and prepared in many different ways and can add flavor and interest to many dishes. Another advantage of peas is that they are often inexpensive to buy.
In addition to being a component of a meal, green peas can be used to make other foods, including soups, puddings, and porridge. They also make a great addition to items such as salads, stews, pies, pasta, and omelettes.
Peas have been cultivated for at least ten thousand years and have become a very popular vegetable. They have also inspired people to create stories and poems, which often have an imaginative, humorous, or playful theme. It may be a fun experience to trap peas as they roll around on a plate, but people should seriously consider making the vegetable part of their diet.

Pink flowers and green leaves of a snow pea
Bmdavil at the English Language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 License
Like beans and other peas, green peas belong to the family Fabaceae, which used to be called the Leguminosae family. Beans and peas are said to be "legumes". In some parts of the world, they are known as pulses. Green peas are often referred to as a vegetable, however, because of their green color.
Types of Green Peas
The scientific name of the green pea plant is Pisum sativum. Many closely related varieties of the species exist. They have slightly different characteristics. Somewhat confusingly, the different varieties often have different common names.
Biologically, a pea pod is a fruit, and the peas inside are seeds. In some varieties of green pea, the pods are edible, and in others they aren't. Inedible pods have a fibrous inner layer that edible pods lack. The pod of the garden pea has this fibrous layer.
Some popular varieties of green pea are described below.
- Garden peas are the variety most often grown in gardens and the type most often found in stores and eaten, at least in North America. The term "green peas" generally refers to this variety.
- Snow peas have flat, edible pods. They are picked when their seeds are very small and are eaten whole. Snow peas are also known as Chinese pea pods and are often eaten raw or stir-fried.
- Sugar snap peas also have edible pods and are eaten whole. The pods are sweeter and rounder than snow pea pods and have a crunchy texture when raw.
- Marrowfat peas are green peas with unusually large and starchy seeds.
- Yellow peas are varieties of the green pea plant that have yellow seeds instead of green ones.
Split peas are dried peas that have been allowed to split naturally into two sections or are helped to do so mechanically. They are produced from both green and yellow varieties of the pea plant.

Green peas in a pod
wsujeffersoncounty0, via, CC0 public domain license
Buying Peas
The most nutritious and delicious peas are ones that are homegrown and freshly picked. Good versions can sometimes be found at farmers markets or natural food stores. Sometimes grocery stores sell a reasonable version, though it may not be as fresh as the previous types.
When fresh peas are unavailable or when convenience is desired, frozen, dried, or canned versions can be used instead. These are available in stores all year, so the vegetable can always be part of the diet. If a canned version is used, it's a good idea to look for a product that has no added sugar and salt and is sold in a can made of safe materials.
Nutritional Content
Like other legumes, green peas are a good source of protein. Three quarters of a cup of green peas contains about the same amount of protein as an egg (around six grams). Peas are very low in fat. Since they are part of a plant, they contain no cholesterol. Cholesterol is only found in animal bodies.
Peas do contain some natural sugars, but the amount isn't excessive (four grams per half cup of the vegetable). They are a good source of soluble fiber, which, like the sugar family, is a type of carbohydrate. Soluble fiber can help to lower the LDL cholesterol level in the blood. It can also lower a high blood sugar or blood glucose level.
Vitamins and Minerals
Raw peas are loaded with vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of vitamins C and K. Some of the vitamin C is lost when peas are cooked, however. Green peas are also a very good source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), thiamine, and folate. They contain lesser but significant amounts of niacin, vitamin B6, and riboflavin (vitamin B2). A small amount of healthy fat eaten at the same time as peas will enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A and K.
Vitamin C and vitamins in the B family are water-soluble. This means that cooking peas in a lot of water for a long time isn't a good idea. Water-soluble vitamins leach out of the peas into the surrounding water.
Green peas are high in manganese and are a significant source of phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium, and iron. They are low in sodium.
Green peas can be eaten raw. Some people love the taste of the uncooked version. Raw peas are also eaten after they have sprouted. The vegetable is often paired with carrots, which produces an attractive combination of colours and a nutritious and tasty mixture.
Phytonutrients or Phytochemicals
Peas also contain phytonutrients. Phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, are substances in plants that aren't essential for our survival but may have health benefits, such as helping to prevent disease. One important type of phytonutrient in green peas is the flavonoid group, which belongs to the polyphenol family. Flavonoids are antioxidants and may reduce the risk of several diseases.
Researchers need to determine whether a typical serving of peas contains a significant amount of each phytonutrient and whether the chemicals can be absorbed into our body from our small intestine. The researchers also need to discover whether the phytonutrients are beneficial once they are in the body. The initial discoveries look promising.
Yorkshire pudding is a baked product made from eggs, flour, and milk. The pudding is often eaten with gravy and meat.
Cooking Green Peas
Green peas can be boiled, steamed, stir-fried, fried, or microwaved. They can also be baked in foods such as quiches and savory pies.
In some parts of the world, roasted peas are very popular. I've never tasted roasted peas, but they are reportedly nutty, crunchy, and delicious. They are often mixed with spices before being cooked, which likely adds to their enjoyable flavor.
Cooked peas are often processed further, such as by being pureed or mashed. They are also mixed with other ingredients to make many different foods, including soups, stews, casseroles, fish cakes, curries, pastas, omelettes, and salads.
In general, cooking peas at a lower temperature, for a shorter time, and with less water preserves more of their nutrients. This is why steaming vegetables is considered to be a healthier cooking method than boiling. If peas are boiled, they should be covered with the minimum amount of water needed and simmered for only a few minutes.
Tartar sauce contains mayonnaise, pickles, herbs, and sometimes other ingredients. It’s often served with fish, as in the meal shown in the photo above.
Mushy Peas
Mushy peas are often eaten with fish and chips. They have a soft texture that resembles that of thick, puréed peas. Soft, semi-intact peas are present in the mush. I love the taste of the product. Whenever I buy a serving of fish and chips from a restaurant near my home, I order mushy peas as well.
Mushy peas can be made at home as well as bought in restaurants and stores. Products that are bought may have artificial color added, which can give them an unnatural, bright green appearance. I like to avoid this sight if I can.
Mushy peas are generally made from marrowfat peas, which easily turn into a mush. Marrowfat peas are usually sold in a dried form but are sometimes sold in cans. To make mushy peas, the dried peas are soaked overnight in water containing a small amount of sodium bicarbonate (one teaspoon per cup of peas). On the next day, they are rinsed in cold water and placed in a saucepan with fresh water. They are then boiled gently for thirty to sixty minutes—or longer—until they turn into a mush.
With the right ingredients, pea soup can be both nourishing and delicious. The soup can range from a simple blend of peas, seasonings, and water to a more complex and hearty mixture containing additional vegetables. Ham may be added as well.
Ingredients that are often added to pea soups are carrots, celery, potatoes, onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and water. Bay leaves or thyme are frequently included, too.
Cream is sometimes swirled over the surface of the soup as a finishing touch. Small crackers or biscuits may be used for a topping instead of cream.
Sprouted, blanched, or cooked and chilled peas are added to salads. Blanching is a technique in which a vegetable is plunged into boiling water, left there for a very short time, and then removed and quickly chilled to halt the cooking process. Frozen peas bought in a store are already blanched. The process stops the action of enzymes that can alter the flavor or color of the peas.
Pea salads often contain a mixture of peas, cheese, celery, nuts, onion, herbs, pepper, and salt. Mayonnaise or salad dressing is added for a creamy salad. Some people like to add other ingredients, such as hard boiled egg, tomato, bell pepper, bacon bits, diced apple, garlic, lemon juice, or a flavorful vinegar.
Pease Pudding, Porridge, or Pottage
Pease was the Middle English name for pea. The plural word was peasen. Pease pudding or porridge is made from green or yellow peas and has a smooth texture similar to that of a thick pea sauce. It was popular in the Middle Ages, when it was known as a pease pottage. It's still enjoyed in some parts of the world today, including parts of the United Kingdom. It often contains pork as well as peas.
Some communities in the UK are named in honor of peas. For example, Pease Pottage is a village in West Sussex and Peasenhall is a village in Suffolk. The Peasenhall Pea Festival was until quite recently an annual event. The festival involved music, food, games, and contests. It offered pea eating and throwing contests as well as the World Pea Podding Championship. A pea-themed costume contest was also held. Among the other culinary delights that were available at one festival was a pea, mint, and honey ice cream. The combination of flavors sounds interesting. Perhaps the festival will be resurrected one day.
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot
Nine days old;
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.
— Anonymous
Poems About Peas
Peas are a very popular vegetable, so it's not surprising that people have written poems about them. The poems are often humorous, just like the sight of peas rolling over a surface.
The origins and author of the pease porridge poem are unknown. The poem as shown above was published in 1916 in a children's rhyme book called The Real Mother Goose. This book can be read at the Project Gutenberg website. The poem was published in a slightly different form in 1760 in a book called The Original Mother Goose's Melody by John Newbery. This book can be read at the Google Books website.
Similarly, the date of origin and the writer of the poem shown below about eating peas with honey are unknown. According to the Poetry Foundation, the poem was recited at a 1944 radio broadcast in the United States. However, the author wasn't announced. The poem may have been created earlier.
I eat my peas with honey;
I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on the knife.
— Anonymous
A Food Fantasy
I wrote the poem below. It's a fantasy that describes the adventures of a miniature man in a large tureen of green pea soup. I still enjoy the amusing aspects of peas that entertained me as a child. I also enjoy their taste. They are an interesting and useful vegetable.
The Man in the Green Pea Soup
The man was looking quite green
As he swam within the tureen
Until he spied a few peas ahead
He climbed on a green pea boat
And shook out his lavender coat
Before eating some pumpkin bread
Then onion fish bit all his toes
And salt water licked his dear nose
Leaving him sore and red
Carrots surfed over the waves
And gathered in celery caves
To consider the words that he said
"I didn't!" he cried loud and clear
And retreated from garlic in fear
As it bounced over and started to shed
Pepper flew over the salt
And tickled his nose with a jolt
Creating sneezes that filled his head
The sneezes wriggled and twirled
So he held a tissue unfurled
"I'm ready if you are" he said
Sneezes left in disgust
Surprise for them was a must
The man cheered aloud once they'd fled
Potatoes lined up to parade
Carrots spun round as they played
And the man rode on peas as they sped
Then bay leaves sailed in from the west
With thyme-woven mats for a nest
And carried him off to bed
- Facts about Pisum sativum from the Missouri Botanical Garden
- Nutrients in raw green peas from the United States Department of Agriculture, or USDA
- "Green Peas: A Vitamin Powerhouse" from WebMD
- Information about soluble and insoluble fiber in food from WebMD
- The importance of dietary fiber from the Mayo Clinic
Questions & Answers
Question: What is the botanical name of the green pea?
Answer: The scientific name of the green or garden pea is "Pisum Sativum." The plant belongs to the family Fabaceae, also known as the family Leguminosae.
Question: Which form of cooking depletes the Vitamin C in Green Peas most?
Answer: Vitamin C dissolves in water and is destroyed by heat, so boiling is considered to be the most harmful form of cooking with respect to the preservation of the vitamin. Steaming and microwaving are often said to be better cooking methods for retaining Vitamin C.
© 2014 Linda Crampton
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 14, 2016:
Roasted spicy peas sound delicious, Vellur! Thank you very much for the comment about the hub and the poem.
Nithya Venkat from Dubai on March 14, 2016:
A great hub about green peas and loved your poem. In this part of the world, roasted spicy peas are very popular. I love them, and they taste delicious.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on November 04, 2015:
Thank you very much, Silva. I appreciate your visit and comment.
Silva Hayes from Spicewood, Texas on November 04, 2015:
I love peas; so delicious, and the pictures of them in their pods are so artistic. Lovely article.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2015:
I'd love to try green peas roasted in wasabi! Thank you very much for the visit and the comment about the poems, aesta1.
Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on February 07, 2015:
Roasted peas are sold as snacks in Southeast Asia. I like the one roasted in Wasabi. Your poems are truly enjoyable.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2014:
Thank you, VioletteRose. Yes, green peas are easy to use. They are a great addition to the diet!
VioletteRose from Atlanta on March 25, 2014:
I didn't know about this many varieties of green peas, thanks for sharing this! I love adding green peas to my food, they are so easy to use . Especially the frozen ones!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 25, 2014:
Thank you, ignugent17. I appreciate your visit!
ignugent17 on February 25, 2014:
Thanks for the information . My husband prefer peas over green beans and I am glad to read all the good benefits we get. Enjoyed reading the poem too. :-) Very useful.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 19, 2014:
Thank you very much, Deb. I appreciate your comment, as always!
Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on February 19, 2014:
Lots of great knowledge and little known facts were imparted here. This was a very entertaining and well done article.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 17, 2014:
That's an interesting thought, girishpuri! Thank you for the comment.
Girish puri from NCR , INDIA on February 17, 2014:
Peas are like diamonds in the vegetables, Very useful hub. Thanks Alicia.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 16, 2014:
Audrey, thank you so much for such a wonderful comment! I appreciate it very much. I used to help my mother shell peas, too. Shelling peas was extra work compared to using prepared peas, but it was enjoyable. The peas were fresher, too. Thank you very much for the votes and the share!
Audrey Hunt from Idyllwild Ca. on February 16, 2014:
Awesome! Useful! Beautiful! Interesting! Have I told you how much I enjoy this post on Peas? It's right up there with "Gone with the wind." :) You've put so much into this remarkable article. Brought back sweet memories of a time when I was a little girl helping mama to shell peas from our vegetable garden. Sharing and thanks so much ~ Audrey
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 15, 2014:
Thank you for the visit and the comment, ologsinquito!
ologsinquito from USA on February 15, 2014:
This is a wonderful article on peas, which, if cooked right, can be delicious. If not, that's another story.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 13, 2014:
Thank you very much for the comment, Annette. It's nice to hear about another green pea fan!
Annette R. Smith from Ocala, Florida on February 13, 2014:
I LOVE green peas, Linda. I didn't realize there are so many varieties, and I like the different ways to prepare them. Thanks for these fun and interesting facts!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 12, 2014:
Thank you, WriterJanis. I appreciate your comment!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 12, 2014:
Hi, EGamboa. Thanks for the visit and the comment. It's interesting that some people love mushy peas while others don't like the sound of them!
Janis from California on February 12, 2014:
A lot of useful information here. I love the poem in the end.
Eileen Gamboa from West Palm Beach on February 12, 2014:
Everything looks good, except the mushy peas. I don't think I could do those, although I've come to a new appreciation for the flavor and versatility of this economical vegetable in my old age. :) Nice Hub.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 12, 2014:
I'm glad you enjoyed the soup, Donna! Thank you for the comment.
Donna Caprio Quinlan from Newburyport, MA on February 12, 2014:
I made split pea and ham soup for the first time last week. It was delicious! I like peas so it is good to learn they are so nutritious. Great article.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 11, 2014:
Hi, Dianna. Thank you for the nice comment! I actually have more poems published here, but my creative writing tends to get hidden by all my information hubs!
Dianna Mendez on February 11, 2014:
I love peas in a salad and as a soup. Your information is valuable and appreciated. Your surprised me with your creative poetry - well done!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 11, 2014:
Thank you for the visit and the comment, Toytasting. I like eating peas in different forms, too. They're a very versatile vegetable!
Toy Tasting from Mumbai on February 11, 2014:
I am a huge fan of green peas. I can eat it any form. I did not know so much about green peas though. Thanks for sharing the information. :)
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 10, 2014:
Hi, truthfornow. Thank you very much for the comment. Green peas are one of my favorite foods, too!
Marie Hurt from New Orleans, LA on February 10, 2014:
Green peas are my favorite. I didn't quite realize the versatility of peas. Very well-researched article with looks of details. I learned so much about one of my favorite foods.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 10, 2014:
I love a mix of peas and mashed potatoes too, Crystal. The two vegetables go together very well! Thank you for the comment and the votes.
Crystal Tatum from Georgia on February 10, 2014:
I actually really like green peas, though I know few others whoe does. I love them with mashed potatoes. The Leseur (not sure if I have that spelled right) canned brand is my favorite. Well done on this hub. Voting up and more.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 10, 2014:
Thank you very much for the visit and the kind comment, Martie! I'm sure that if I was forced to eat mashed peas I would quickly come to hate them, too! I can always find frozen, dried and canned peas in my local stores, and fresh peas are readily available in summer. I generally avoid the canned versions because of the added sugar or salt, but as I said in an earlier comment there are always frozen peas in my home. They're quick to prepare and they're nutritious, too.
Martie Coetser from South Africa on February 10, 2014:
The Man in the Green Pea Soup is a children's book all on its own - I can even see the illustrations with the eye of my mind.
I love raw peas, but seldom find them for sale raw in vegetable stores. They come frozen, tinned or dried. I remember devouring it in my parent's vegetable gardens with pods and all. I love pea soup. But, oh, I hate them mashed. When I was 8yrs old in a boarding school for 6 months I had to eat them mashed for the first and the very last time.
Superb hub about peas!
Now I have a craving for fresh, raw peas!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 10, 2014:
Thanks for the visit, Victoria. Yes, it is interesting that there is so much to say about peas! They've been a popular vegetable for a very long time.
Author Victoria Sheffield from Georgia on February 10, 2014:
Who would have thought that there would have been so much information about peas!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Thank you so much for the lovely comment and the votes, shampa sadhya! I appreciate your visit.
Shampa Sadhya from NEW DELHI, INDIA on February 09, 2014:
It is an extraordinarily good post. It is informative, full of yummy recipes and contains good poem. UP AND AWESOME!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Thank you very much for the comment, the vote and the share, Nell! It's nice to hear that someone else loves mushy peas. It sounds like you're even more of a fan than me!
Nell Rose from England on February 09, 2014:
lol! loved the poem! yes green peas are one of my favorites, and mushy peas I literally eat with everything! great hub Alicia, voted up and shared! nell
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Hi, janderson99. Yes, I eat raw peas right out of the pod, but only in small quantities. They are definitely a convenient food that is quick to prepare, as you say! Thanks for the visit.
Dr. John Anderson from Australia on Planet Water on February 09, 2014:
Green peas are great and so convenient. Very little cooking is required. None actually!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Hi, Thief12. Thanks for reading my hub when you don't like green peas! Thank you very much for the votes, too.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Thank you, Bill. I appreciate the vote and the share as well as the comment. I love peas, too. There's always a bag of frozen peas in my refrigerator!
Carlo Giovannetti from Puerto Rico on February 09, 2014:
Great hub, but still, green peas is one of the few vegetables I can't stand XD Anyway, it was a very interesting read.
Voted Up, Useful, and Interesting.
Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on February 09, 2014:
Hi Linda, great hub. I love peas and it's good to know that they really are good for us. I was not aware of the many different varieties of peas. Also, I've never come across the mushy peas although it does sound like they would go well with fish and chips. Great job. Voted up, shared, etc...
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 09, 2014:
Thank you very much, Cynthia. My memories of marrowfat peas are linked to mushy peas, which I love. I must have been lucky with school dinners - or perhaps I've forgotten how bad they were!
CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on February 09, 2014:
Great hub Alicia. I never knew there were so many varieties of peas! Marrowfat peas bring back too many memories of primary school dinners. None of us liked them but we all had to sit there until they were eaten!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 08, 2014:
Thank you for the comment and the vote, DDE. I appreciate your visit!
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on February 08, 2014:
Green Peas - Varieties, Nutrition, Food Facts and Poems is a beautifully written hub. I like peas freshly peeled and eaten one of my favorite foods. The poem ''The Man in the Green Pea Soup'' was an enjoyable read. Voted up!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 08, 2014:
Hi, Eddy. Thanks for the comment, vote and share! I hope your weekend is great, too.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 08, 2014:
Thanks for the visit, Bill. It's very nice when something that we like is also good for us!
Eiddwen from Wales on February 08, 2014:
Useful and very interesting Alicia.
Voted up and shared. Here's wishing you a great weekend.
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on February 08, 2014:
Happily this is a vegetable I actually like. :) Very glad to hear of it's nutritional value. Thanks for the information.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
Thanks so much, word55. I love split pea soup, but I don't think I could have four bowls in one evening! I'm glad the soup made you feel good. I hope you have a good night and a great weekend!
Al Wordlaw from Chicago on February 07, 2014:
I'm glad that Faith had a lot more to say about your hub that I didn't mention. Yes, your poem was impeccable. I had no idea that peas were as nutritious. I think I'll add them to my weekly menu. I had about 4 bowls of split pea soup. I feel so good and healthy for a Friday nite. I hope I don't dream of them though. Good night...
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
I appreciate your second visit and your lovely comment, word55! Adding brown rice to pea soup sounds like a great idea. I'll try that the next time I make the soup.
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
Thanks for the comment and the vote, Jodah. I'm glad you enjoyed the poems! I enjoy pea soup too, although I never have it with ham. I think it's delicious!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
Thank you so much for the kind comment about my poem, Faith! I appreciate it a great deal. Like you, I've loved peas since childhood. They've been a part of my diet for as long as I can remember. Thanks for the votes and the share, too, Faith. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Al Wordlaw from Chicago on February 07, 2014:
Thank you Alicia, The soup tasted tremendously good. I added just a little brown rice to it. This is the 1st time it tasted so extra good. Well, actually, it's the 1st time I made a pea soup. I usually make lentil soups. Thanks for doing this hub today. You made this very easy and simple especially after watching the videos you displayed. You're a pro. -:)
John Hansen from Gondwana Land on February 07, 2014:
Interesting hub about peas Alicia. Love the split pea and ham of my favourite soups. Loved the poems too, the one about peas and honey is hilarious and I enjoyed the one you wrote, The Man In the Green Pea Soup (sounds like The Man In The Grey Tweed Voted up.
Faith Reaper from southern USA on February 07, 2014:
I have always loved peas! Much to my surprise, though a lot of people do not? However, I have never known just how nutritious they are, even though I was thinking ... well, they are vegetables.
The poems you have included are delightful and I just love, love, love your very own poem! Well, you are multi-talented and this was a delight to read and you made it your own and very interesting.
Up and more and sharing.
Have a great weekend,
Faith Reaper
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
Thank you very much for the comment and the vote, word55. I hope your split pea soup tastes good!
Al Wordlaw from Chicago on February 07, 2014:
Um AliciaC, very good idea. I liked all the peas recipes that you talked about. I'm making split pea soup this evening just because I read your article. Smelling yummy so far. Thanks and voted up!
Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on February 07, 2014:
Thank you very much, Alphadogg16!
Kevin W from Texas on February 07, 2014:
Great hub on the facts and benefits of Green Peas AliciaC. Thumbs up on your hub.