Braised Roast With Bacon, Prosciutto, and Asparagus in a Red Wine Sauce Recipe
Ryan Thomas is a university student who enjoys cooking recipes from a wide variety of culinary traditions.
I have a great affection for the braising technique because of the way it produces such a rich and pleasant taste. In this recipe, the braising went to good effect, creating a vibrant and tender combination of the heady and sophisticated flavors of steak, bacon, prosciutto, asparagus, and red wine to produce a thoroughly superb meat dish—like a pot roast but infinitely better.
The flavors marry together with such wonderful panache; the bacon and the prosciutto provide a decadence, while the asparagus lightens up the meat with its éclat of green and its light vegetable nature. Combined with a red wine that quickly reduces and enriches the ingredients, it is a real jewel of a dish, one to serve on the best of occasions.
I have adapted this recipe from Traditional Croatian Recipes, by Bruno Simonovic and Ivo Semencic, which is one of my favorite cookbooks. It is stuffed with a wide range of excellent recipes accompanied by thoroughly wonderful photos. The book is well organized with readable, pleasantly formatted instructions. If you can ever get your hands on it, do so!
- 2 pounds rump roast or chuck roast of beef
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1 tablespoon tarragon
- salt, to taste
- pepper, to taste
- 1 bunch asparagus (about 1 lb.), cut into smaller segments
- 3 1/2 ounces prosciutto
- 4 strips bacon
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 3/4 red wine
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- cilantro, for garnish (optional)
- 1/2 onion
- Apply salt, pepper, and tarragon to the beef, which should be in steaks or pieces. Heat the butter in a large skillet over high heat.
- Briefly sear the steaks on both side in the skillet, then remove to a separate plate.
- Place the onion into the juice which has been left behind by the meat and fry briefly, then add in the prosciutto and bacon. Add the asparagus. Dust with some flour, then season with salt, pepper, and mustard.
- Add in the red wine, and cook for several minutes to reduce the sauce, then embed the meat into the dish and continue to cook over reduced heat while the sauce reduces, about 15 minutes, covered, with occasional stirring to prevent burning. Season with cilantro if desired. Serve.
Photo Tutorial

© 2019 Ryan Thomas